Isabelle Giroux, Ph.D., is a Registered Dietitian (R.D.) and a Professional Home Economist (P.H.Ec.). She is a Full Professor of nutrition and the Director of the School of Nutrition Sciences. She was previously Vice-Dean Academic (student and professional affairs) at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Ottawa (2019-2021). She has also been Assistant Director – Undergraduate Studies of the School of Nutrition Sciences (2015-2019). She is actively involved in professional affairs as a dietetic educator (since 2000), dietetic program evaluator (since 2008), member of the Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP) of Canada Accreditation Standards Development Working Group (2012-2014), Chair of the French Network of Dietitians of Ontario and Canada (2007-2015), and member of the PDEP Steering Committee as a dietetic educators’ representative 2015-2021 (and co-chair 2016-2018, 2020-2021). She is a researcher of the Institut du Savoir Montfort and does interdisciplinary research in the prevention and management of obesity and diabetes across the lifecycle, including at risk populations. She also does research to evaluate the impact of experiential learning on the development of professional competencies. She is a researcher of the GReFoPS (Groupe de recherche sur la formation et les pratiques en santé et en service social en contexte francophone minoritaire) of the University of Ottawa.
Isabelle Giroux

Full Professor
Director, School of Nutrition Sciences
Director, School of Nutrition Sciences
2000 B.Ed. University of Western Ontario
1999 Ph.D. Pharmacology and Toxicology University of Western Ontario
1995 M.Sc. Human Nutrition Laval University, Human Nutrition and Consumption Department
1993 B.Sc. Human Nutrition Laval University, Human Nutrition and Consumption Department
613-562-5800 ext. 8337
- Kengneson, C.-C., Blanchet, R., Sanou, D., Batal, M., GIROUX, I. (2021). Factors influencing feeding practices of Black immigrant mothers of African and Caribbean origin living in Ottawa, Canada. Appetite Journal. Volume 167, August 2021, pp. 1-9.
- Pouliot, C., Biagé, A., Prud’homme, GIROUX, I. (2021). Effect of Weight Status on Dietary Response to an 8-Week Aerobic Exercise Program in Previously Inactive Adolescents. Journal of Obesity Medicine. Volume 25, August 2021, pp. 1-6.
- Vignola Lavergne, F., Prud’homme, D., GIROUX, I. (2021). Soldiers’ Perception of Combat Ration Use During Arctic Training: A Qualitative Study. Military Medicine. Oxford University Press. Volume 186, Issue 2, January-February 2021, pp. 127-136.
- AbouEid, S., R. Ahmed, M. Jasinska, B.J. Hermosura, C. Pouliot, I. Bourgeault, I. GIROUX. (2020). Weight Communication: How do health professionals communicate about weight with their patients in primary care settings? Health Communication Journal. 7 pages. Publié en ligne le 14 décembre 2020 Ahead of print:
- Azzi JL, Azzi S, Lavigne-Robichaud M, Vermeer, A., Barresi T, Blaine S, GIROUX I. (2020). Participant Evaluation of a Prediabetes Intervention Program for Rural Adults. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, Vol. 81 (Issue 2) June 2020, pp. 80-85., Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research (
- Buchholz, A., Hendrickson, M., GIROUX, I., Correa, J.A., Hanning, R., Eisenbraun, C., Lieffers, J., Lovestam, E. (2020). Simulation in Learning and Using the Nutrition Care Process/Terminology: Experiences and Perceptions of Dietitians in Canada, Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 81 (3) September 2020, 150-153.
- Bodnaruc, A., Prud’homme, D., GIROUX, I. (2020). Acute effects of an isocaloric macronutrient-matched meal containing almonds on glycemic, hormonal and appetite responses in men with type 2 diabetes: a randomized cross-over study, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 45(5) May 2020, 520-529.
- Nagpal, T.S., Prapavessis, H., Campbell, C.G., de Vrijer, B., GIROUX, I., Mottola, M.F. (2020). Are pre-pregnancy weight fluctuations and adherence to prenatal nutrition and exercise recommendations related to excessive gestational weight gain? Journal of Behavioral Medicine 43, May 2020, pp. 1047-1055.
- Barton, K.I., Donovan, L., GIROUX, I., Miller, D., Mottola, M., McManus, R. (2019). Hemoglobin A1C Measurements at 3, 12 and 24 Months Postpartum After Gestational Diabetes, Clinical and Investigative Medicine. Vol. 42, No. 4, E37-41. DOI:
- Blanchet R, Kengneson C*, Bodnaruc AM*, Gunter A, GIROUX I. (2019). Factors Influencing Parents’ and Children’s Misperception of Children’s Weight Status: A Systematic Review of Current Research, Current Obesity Reports Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 373-412. *indique que les auteurs ont contribué de manière égale à l’article.
- GIROUX, I., E. Pauzé, M. Rosa. (2020). Apprentissage par simulation : activité novatrice de formation interprofessionnelle sur la gestion de la dysphagie. Revue canadienne de la pratique et de la recherche en diététique. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, Vol. 81, 44-48.
Book chapters
- Aboueid, S., I. GIROUX, S. Ratti, B.J. Hermosura. 2021. The Profession of Dietetics in Canada, Chapter 9 in: Introduction to Health Workforce in Canada. I. Bourgeault, Editor. 18 pages. Text - RCPS-CHWN (
- Bodnaruc, A., GIROUX, I. 2020. Nutrition Assessment, Chapter 8 in: Canadian Nursing Health Assessment: A Best Practice Approach. 2nd Canadian Edition. Stephen, T.C., Skillen, D.L., Editors. Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA. 40 pages. ISBN: 9781975108113,