Christian Giguère joined the University of Ottawa in 1995 and is currently Professor in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology at the School of Rehabilitation Sciences. He teaches courses in acoustics, speech science, instrumentation in audiology, and hearing aids. His research interests include speech communication and warning sound perception, hearing loss prevention, and auditory fitness for duty. He has authored over 150 journal articles, conference proceedings and book chapters. Professor Giguère is active in the area of standardization with several national (CSA, ANSI) and international (ISO) technical workgroups on topics related to occupational hearing loss, hearing protection and audiology. He is past president of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA) and former co-chair of the International Commission on the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN). He is chair of the Z1007 Technical Committee on occupational hearing loss with the Canadian Standards Organisation (CSA) and an Associate Editor with The International Journal of Audiology (TIJA). He is a Distinguished International Member of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE-USA).
Christian Giguère

Full Professor
1994 Ph.D. Information Engineering, Cambridge University
1989 M.Eng. Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto
1986 M.A.Sc. Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto
1983 B.Sc.A. Engineering Physics, Université Laval
RGN 3056
613-562-5800 ext. 4649
Research interests
- Speech and warning sound perception in noise
- Hearing aids, advanced hearing protectors and communication devices
- Hearing loss prevention in the noisy workplace
- Auditory fitness for duty
Selected publications
- Laroche C., Giguère C., Vaillancourt V., Marleau C., Cadieux M.-F., Laprise-Girard K., Gula E., Carroll V., Bibeau M., and Nélisse H. (2021). “Effect of Hearing and Head Protection on the Localization of Tonal and Broadband Reverse Alarms,” Human Factors. In press
- Giguère C., Lagacé J., Ellaham N.N., Pichora-Fuller M.K., Goy H., Bégin C., Alary É., and Bowman R. (2020). “Development of the Canadian Digit Triplet Test in English and French,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147, EL252-EL258
- Giguère C., Vaillancourt V., and Laroche C. (2019). “Effects of hearing loss and language proficiency on speech intelligibility over radio transmission with tactical communication devices,” International Journal of Audiology 59, S31-S39.
- Nakashima A. and Giguère, C. (2019). “Towards an improved hearing safety standard for impulse noise exposure in the Canadian Armed Forces,” Journal of Military, Veterans and Family Health 6(1), 98-107.
- Giguère C., Laroche C., Vaillancourt, V., and Soli S.D. (2019). “Development of Hearing Standards for Ontario’s Constable Selection System,” International Journal of Audiology 58(11), 798-804.
- Nassrallah F., Ellaham N.N., Giguère C., and Dajani H.R. (2019). “An indirect calculation method for estimating occupational sound exposure from communication headsets,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145(2), 749-760.
- Vaziri G., Giguère C., and Dajani, H.R. (2019). “Evaluating noise suppression methods for recovering the Lombard speech from vocal output in an external noise field,” Int. J. of Speech Technology 22, 31-46.
- Soli S.D., Giguère C., Laroche C., Vaillancourt V., Dreschler W.A., Rhebergen K.S., Harkins K., Ruckstuhl M., Ramulu P., and Meyers L.S. (2018). “Evidence-based occupational hearing screening I: Modelling the effects of real-world noise environments on the likelihood of effective speech communication,” Ear Hear 39 (3), 436–448
- Soli S.D., Amano-Kusumoto A., Clavier O., Wilbur J., Casto K., Freed D., Laroche C., Vaillancourt V., Giguère C., Dreschler W.A., and Rhebergen K.S. (2018). “Evidence-based occupational hearing screening II: Validation of a screening methodology using measures of functional hearing ability,” International Journal of Audiology 57(5), 323-334.
- Laroche C., Giguère C., Vaillancourt V., Roy K., Pageot L-P., Nélisse H., Ellaham N., and Nassrallah F. (2018). “Detection and reaction thresholds for reverse alarms in noise with and without passive hearing protection,” International Journal of Audiology 57(S1), S51-S60
- Al Osman R., Giguère C., and Dajani H.R. (2018). “Effects of early and late-arriving room reflections on the speech-evoked auditory brainstem response,” Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 29(2), 95-105.
- Al Osman R., Dajani H.R., and Giguère C. (2017). “Self-masking and overlap-masking from reverberation using the speech-evoked auditory brainstem response,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142(6), EL555-EL560.
- Giguère C., Vaziri G., Dajani H.R., and Berger E.H. (2017). “Speech communication with hearing protectors,” NHCA Spectrum 34 (2), 15-19.
- Al Osman R., Giguère C., and Dajani H.R. (2016). "Effects of stimulus rate on speech-evoked auditory brainstem response," Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 40(2), 105-119.
- Nassrallah F., Giguère C., Dajani H.R., and Ellaham N.N. (2016). “Comparison of direct measurement methods for headset noise exposure in the workplace,” Noise & Health 18(81), 62-77.
- Vaillancourt V., Gendron M., Leroux T., Laroche C., Leroux T., Fortier P., Paré L., Giguère C. et Voix J. (2016). « Utilisation des prothèses auditives en milieu de travail bruyant – Problématique, pratiques courantes et outils utilisés par les intervenants de la santé pour répondre aux besoins des travailleurs », Travail et Santé 32(1), 20-25.
- Giguère C., and Berger E.H. (2016). “Speech communication in noise under hearing protection: A computational study of the combined effects of hearing loss and hearing protector attenuation,” International Journal of Audiology 55(S1), S30-S40.