Myriam Beauchamp holds an honours BA in linguistics from Concordia University (2008), an MS in speech, language and hearing sciences from Purdue University (2011) and a PhD in biomedical sciences (speech-language pathology) from the Université de Montréal. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill University (Elsabbagh lab) and was a member of the RI-MUHC equity, diversity and inclusion committee (2023–2024).
Myriam Beauchamp is a licensed speech-language pathologist (SLP) with over a decade of clinical experience specializing in neurodevelopmental conditions, with expertise in assessing and supporting bilingual speakers. Her clinical experience includes working on multidisciplinary diagnostic teams, offering speech-language assessment and intervention services, and facilitating social skills groups for young adults on the autism spectrum.
She has been awarded several training and research grants, including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier Doctoral Grant and the Fond de recherches du Québec — santé (FRQS) postdoctoral fellowship.
Professor Beauchamp is currently accepting students for thesis supervision.