As 2022–2023 ends, our administrative personnel have had another exemplary year. I’m extremely proud of everything that we’ve accomplished. The following are some highlights from across the Faculty.
Senior purchasing officer
We added the position of senior purchasing officer to better support complex purchases. This position ensures timely procurement of goods and services, cost effectiveness and policy compliance. Researchers and the Faculty are already saving on purchases because of this position.
Training to support supervisors
This year, the Faculty focused on supervisors’ professional development. To strengthen our capacity in this regard, we retained the services of the Professional Development Institute, which led a two-day workshop on supervising on a day-to-day basis. Activities will also take place all year to support our supervisors in their everyday duties.
Planning for the move to Lees, including consultations and purchase of equipment for teaching labs
Many professors and administrative personnel have been involved in planning the move. We have purchased equipment for many of the teaching laboratories. Many of these purchases were made possible because of a $1.8 million grant that the Faculty received from Canadian Heritage.
Launch of the quarterly newsletter and the Hub
The Marketing and Communication (MarCom) team launched a quarterly newsletter. The newsletter celebrates the numerous accomplishments of the Faculty. The MarCom team also launched the FHS Hub (login required), an internal site allowing you to find all the resources you need for your work and to answer your questions.
Increase in awards from two to four to recognize the dedication and excellence of the administrative personnel
To help recognize administrative personnel members, we thought it was appropriate to increase the number of awards to recognize their dedication and excellence.
Process improvements in the Academic Office
The Academic Office streamlined processes for graduate admission scholarship. It awarded merit scholarships, managed quotas for admission scholarships and implemented additional merit scholarships. The Academic Office is also working on a better onboarding and offboarding process. It has also worked to improve procedures to create a course timetable for the new 200 Lees building.