LIFE Research Institute

Over the past year, the University of Ottawa’s LIFE Research Institute (LRI) has continued to promote healthy living and healthy aging and look critically at life trajectories in all their complexity. Our membership has now grown to 156 members across all nine faculties at the University of Ottawa.

The LRI has been involved in numerous activities and initiatives. The following are some key examples:


  • Launch of the film Dementia: You Can Make A Difference / Démence: Vous pouvez faire une difference.
  • Joint event with the uOBMRI: “Research Spotlight on Alzheimer’s Research”
  • 5-Day Wellness Challenge
  • Five organized talks and conferences

Funding received

  • CIHR Planning and Dissemination grant
  • OVPRI Knowledge Mobilisation Grant

Funding calls

  • EntourAge Scholarship
    • This year, the scholarship was granted to Nathalie Todam Nguepnang.
  • Collaborative seed funding

New commitments:

  • Intergenerational engagement initiative: Mindful Aging course
  • Collaboration with the Brain Heart Interconnectome
  • Launch of periodic newsletters to keep our members updated on our initiatives

Learn more about the LIFE Research Institute.

Centre for Research on Heath and Nursing (CRHN)

Here are the five most significant achievements for the Centre for Research on Heath and Nursing (CRHN) in 2023–2024:

  • Partnership with a group of interdisciplinary researchers, activists and organizations across Canada and securing a SSHRC Connection Grant and an OVPRI Knowledge Mobilization Grant to support a Pan-Canadian Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) Forum that took place at the University of Ottawa from May 23 to 26, 2024
  • Sponsorship of Zahra Hakimi from Afghanistan through the international Scholars at Risk program for a second year
  • Renewal of a five-year partnership with the Canadian Nurses Association
  • Signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association
  • Ongoing monthly research rounds, work in progress meetings, communities of practice, critical discussion and reading groups for students, trainees, researchers and clinicians