After a long and storied career, Professor John Currie, LLB ’90, retired from the University on June 30, 2021

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
After a long and storied career, Professor John Currie, LLB ’90, retired from the University on June 30, 2021
Here is Dean Adam Dodek’s heartfelt note to faculty and staff:

John graduated as the silver medalist in Common Law in 1990.   Dean Don McRae first brought John back to the Faculty as a Visiting Professor in 1991-92 and then after a few years in practice John returned to the Faculty on a permanent basis in 1997 thanks to Dean Sanda Rodgers.   John committed the next two and half decades to the University of Ottawa.   John has had an incredible career as an international law scholar.   He has also led a truly exemplary career in terms of faculty and university service.  In French, we call an academic “un universitaire”.  This phrase truly captures the essence of John’s contributions at the University of Ottawa.  John served as Vice Dean, Academic (English Program) and as Vice-President, Governance for the University.  He served on the University Senate, the Board of Governors and on the crucially important Joint Committee of the Senate and the Board of Governors.  He served as a member of the Selection Committees for the University Chancellor and for the Provost.    John served on or chaired virtually every faculty committee including Teaching and Personnel (TPC), Faculty Council, Examinations, Executive, Academic Fraud, Admissions, Hiring, and Curriculum.   He served on ad-hoc committees and special committees. And these are only in the last 10 years!  John also served on numerous APUO committees.

On behalf of the Faculty, on behalf of John’s colleagues, on behalf of all the students John has taught and on behalf of the University, I thank John for his remarkable service to the Common Law Section and to the University of Ottawa.

Thank you John.  Congratulations and Good luck in your retirement!