Caryma Sa’d, JD ’15: Merging her Passions for Law and Art

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Caryma Sa’d, JD ’15: Merging her Passions for Law and Art
Caryma Sa’d, JD ‘15, is a Toronto-based lawyer and entrepreneur whose practice focuses primarily on housing, cannabis, and criminal law. She is also very outspoken about what matters to her, such as issues relating to politics, access to justice, poverty, racism, and the legal profession.

Sa’d is often invited to voice in her opinions in the media, but more recently received coverage for the unusual ways she uses inform her fellow citizens of current issues: cartoons! Focusing on her own expertise, she highlights some of the key issues with regards to cannabis, housing and criminal law since the start of the pandemic in Ontario.

You can view her creative projects on the Caryma Rules website.

We had the opportunity to interview Caryma Sa’d earlier this year.

Why did you choose to study common law?

“It was not until I worked for the Faculty of Law, Graduate Studies Academic Office during my undergraduate studies that I saw law as an option for me. Being exposed to the students and professors and what they were trying to do made me realize I could do the same.”

Can you share which professors had the most impact on you while at the School?

“I had the opportunity to be a Teaching Assistant for Professor Stephen Blair, who teaches Contracts Law, for 2 years. I learned so much working with him.

To this day, I still believe the class I most benefited from was Professor Tracy Lindberg’s class, during the January Intensive term. Her class changed my thinking the most. Professor Lindberg always took the time to make us consider multiple perspectives, to truly unpack the issues discussed and to dig to their core. From her, I have learned that one should never take things at face value and that a careful observation is fundamental.”

What motivated your choice to start your own practice?

“Having a wide variety of interests and expertise, I also wondered how do I fit in the legal world? What I like more about being an entrepreneur is that, as a sole practitioner, I get to create my opportunities.

I am also extremely grateful to have been surrounded by many good people who have believed in me and supported me.”

How did you get the idea to merge law and cartoons?

“I knew I wanted to use law as a tool for social change and felt that, as a professional lawyer with a code of conduct, that I had an obligation to inform people how the legal system operates and that it should be made widely available to public knowledge. Creating the cartoons were a great creative outlet for me, especially during such a difficult period [the COVID-19 pandemic].”

Sa’d also teaches Cannabis Law and Ethics at the college level and is the Executive Director at NORML Canada, established in 1978. They advocate for consumers’ rights for access to high quality, safe, convenient and affordable cannabis.

To see a compilation of the coolest aspects of her work, visit her Caryma Rules website.

She is also very active on Twitter : @CarymaRules