The Pandemic and Education: Consequences and Challenges
Jan 20, 2021 — 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child and the Chaire de recherche en éducation du Collège des chaires sur le monde francophone are pleased to invite you to the webinar:

The Pandemic and Education: Consequences and Challenges
The health crisis linked to the spread of COVID-19 will have acted as a powerful indicator of the inequalities between children and their families. The inequalities between children, young people and between families in the face of the pandemic are glaring and require attention. Questions that will be answered by experts from the worlds of education, research and human rights protection will be exchanged with the audience.
- Sylvie TREMBLAY | Director of Education and Secretary-Treasurer, Council of Public Schools of Eastern Ontario
- Sylvie PETROSKI | Director of Education, Conseil scolaire catholique de District des Grandes Rivières in Ontario
- Mélanie LANDRY | High School Teacher and Additional Position of Responsibility (APR), District scolaire francophone Sud in New Brunswick
- Julie CARON | Chief Digital Learning Officer & Ottawa Office Manager, TFO Media Group