IRLRC International Conference 2021
May 20, 2021 to May 27, 2021 — All day
This conference, organized by the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child (IRLRC) and partner organizations, supports efforts in favour of children’s access to justice, such as the Call for Action to achieve Sustainable Development Goal No. 16 for children. This conference seeks to define children’s access to justice in a global way, by addressing current challenges, asking questions that have not yet been asked and by bringing new answers to existing problems.

IRLRC International Conference 2021
- Mona PARÉ | Professor, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- Thierry MOREAU | Professor, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
The Risk of Negative Effects of Children's Participation in Justice
PANEL #1 - Comparative Research: Children’s Participation in Judicial Child Protection Proceedings
Moderator: Adeline GOUTTENOIRE | Professor, Université de Bordeaux (France)
- FRANCE: Caroline SIFFREIN-BLANC | Lecturer, Vice-Dean, Université Aix-Marseille (France)
- The NETHERLANDS: Mariëlle BRUNING | Professor, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
- BELGIUM: Coline MOREAU | Ph.D. Candidate, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- QUÉBEC (Canada): Mona PARÉ | Professor, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- Ursula KILKELLY | Professor, University College Cork (Ireland)
Children's Access to Justice: Scrutinizing the Growing International Momentum
PANEL #2 - Roles of Actors in Justice
Moderator: Thierry MOREAU | Professor, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
- Marine BRAUN | Consultant in Children's Rights
'And You, Are You Listening to Me?' Transition towards a Communication Adapted to the Child in the Justice System
- Amira MAAMERI | Ph.D. Candidate, Université de Bordeaux (France) & University of Ottawa (Canada)
The Relationship between the Child and the Judge
- Kathryn HOLLINGSWORTH | Professor, Newcastle University (UK)
Towards Judgments for Children: A Conceptual Framework and Practical Application
PANEL #3 - International Justice
Moderator: Mariëlle BRUNING | Professor, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
- Charlotte MOL | Ph.D. Candidate, Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (The Netherlands)
Achieving Child-Friendly Justice: The Impact of Article 12 CRC on the Case-Law of the ECtHR in Family Law Proceedings
- Sara L. AUSTIN | Founder & CEO, Children First Canada
The CRC Third Optional Protocol and the Opportunity for Ratification
- Ursula KILKELLY | Professor, University College Cork (Ireland)
- Jaap E. DOEK | Professor, Vrije Universiteit (The Netherlands)
- Nicholas BALA | Professor, Queen's University (Canada)
Children's Access to Justice in Canada
PANEL #1 - Civil and Criminal Procedures
Moderator: Caroline SIFFREIN-BLANC | Lecturer, Vice-Dean, Université Aix-Marseille (France)
- Nicholas BALA | Professor, Queen's University (Canada)
Children’s Participation in Family Dispute Resolution in Canada
- Blandine MALLEVAEY | Lecturer, Université catholique de Lille (France)
Children’s Access to Family Justice in France
- Philippe BONFILS | Professor, Université Aix-Marseille (France)
Children’s Access to Justice in Criminal Proceedings in France
- Caterina TEMPESTA | The Office of the Children's Lawyer (Canada)
Legal Representation as a Necessary Element of Children’s Access to and Participation in Family Justice
PANEL #2 - Institutions with a Role in Justice for Children
Moderator: Mona PARÉ | Professor, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- Daniella BENDO | Assistant Professor, King's University College at Western (Canada)
- Christine GOODWIN-DE FARIA | Assistant Professor, Teaching Intensive, Trent University (Canada)
Exploring Participation as a Form of Justice in Child and Youth Serving Institutions in Canada
- Deborah McMILLAN | Children's Commissioner for Jersey (Jersey)
Children's Access to Justice in Jersey - Role of Actors in Child Friendly Justice
- Jean-Frédéric HÜBSCH | Ph.D. Candidate, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Students’ Access to Justice in School Discipline in Ontario, Canada: Ensuring Fairness Through More Meaningful Participation
- Ton LIEFAARD | Professor, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
Children’s Access to Justice: How to Overcome Critical Barriers and Make Remedies Child-Friendly?
PANEL #3 - Special Attention to Groups of Children
Moderator: Coline MOREAU | Ph.D. Candidate, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- Diane BÉ | Ph.D. Candidate, University of Ottawa (Canada)
Participation of Children Exposed to Domestic Violence in Court Proceedings in Ontario, Canada
- Fanny JOLICOEUR | Ph.D. Candidate, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)
The Voice of Indigenous Children: The Interest of the Child by and for Children
- Stephanie RAP | Assistant Professor, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
The Rights to Effective Participation of Refugee and Migrant Children: Views of Professionals on Hearing Children in Asylum Procedures
- Raymond ARTHUR | Professor, Northumbria University (UK)
Access to Justice: Children Detained Under the Mental Health Act 1983
PANEL #4 - Systemic Barriers
Moderateur : Philippe BONFILS | Professeur, Université Aix-Marseille (France)
- Kamel KHIARI | Professor, Université Sainte-Anne (Canada)
Children's Access and Participation in Justice Confronted to National Specificities
- Éléazar Michel NKOUÉ | Lecturer, Université de Yaoundé II - Soa (Cameroon)
Barriers to Access to Justice for Indigenous Children in Cameroon
- Malika SAHER | Lawyer, Fondation du Dr. Julien & Tatyanna DIEGO (Canada)
Equipping Children to Implement Their Participation Rights in Court Cases
- Adeline GOUTTENOIRE | Professor, Université de Bordeaux (France)
- Philippe BONFILS | Université Aix-Marseille
- Mariëlle BRUNING | Leiden University
- Adeline GOUTTENOIRE | Université de Bordeaux
- Thierry MOREAU | Université catholique de Louvain.
- Mona PARÉ | Université d’Ottawa
- Caroline SIFFREIN-BLANC | Université Aix-Marseille
The IRLRC wishes to thank the following sponsors for their generous support (by alphabetical order):
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