children rights

Parental perspectives on upholding children's rights in the context of aggression towards families/caregivers in childhood and adolescence

This presentation will shed light on parents’ perspectives and actions related to upholding children’s rights to treatment, health care, support and protection (CRC Articles 3, 18, 40), as well as to their rights to express their views, to be heard and to seek information (CRC Articles 12 and 13). These issues will be considered  within the context of aggression toward families/caregivers in childhood and adolescence (AFCCA) particularly within adoptive, kinship and customary care settings. Survey and interview responses will also reveal how parents negotiate the best interests of all children within the families who are affected by AFCCA.


  • Christine GERVAIS | Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences and IRLRC's Steering Committee Member, University of Ottawa
  • Elisa ROMANO | Full Professor, School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Member of the IRLRC, University of Ottawa
  • Danika DeCARLO-SLOBODNIK | MA in Criminology, Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa
Date and time
Apr 12, 2022
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Format and location
Webinar on Zoom
Bilingual Q&A.
General public