Webinar on March 23: Young persons' reflections on their rigthts as children

Young persons’ reflections on their rights as children in the context of aggression toward family/caregivers in childhood and adolescence

This presentation will shed light on young people’s perspectives on the importance of upholding children’s rights to express their views and to be heard (CRC Articles 12 and 13) in the context of Aggression towards Families/Caregivers in Childhood and Adolescence (AFCCA) in Canada. By centering youth voices drawn from survey and interview responses, the presentation will explore the experiences of both demonstrators of AFCCA, and their siblings from child rights and trauma-informed lenses.

Our speakers

Christine Gervais
Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences and IRLRC's Steering Committee Member, University of Ottawa

Elisa Romano
Full Professor, School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Member of the IRLRC, University of Ottawa

Danika DeCarlo-Slobodnik
MA Graduate, Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, and former Mitacs-KBHN Research Intern

MITACS and Kids Brain Health Network

This study was funded by

MITACS & the Kids Brain Health Network


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Date and time
Mar 23, 2023
All day
11:30 am — 12:50 pm
Format and location
Webinar on Zoom
Q&A bilingual