Thursday, May 25, 2023
10:00 am — 12:30 pm
ONLINE TRAINING offered in French.
Registration closed.
IRLRC Training 2023

CRIA: Spotlight on Education
The University of Ottawa Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child (IRLRC) is pleased to offer a training program in French on Child Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) under the theme Spotlight on Education on May 25, 2023. The goal of this course is to offer students and professionals the fundamentals of CRIA and the opportunity to use this tool to improve decision-making in different areas and to ensure that children's rights are respected in the processes and outcomes.
It will focus on the education sector, where many types of decisions are made about children or have an impact on children. The training includes a component in which decision-making processes are clarified and children's rights issues are explained. Finally, the training allows face-to-face participants to gain practical experience in using CRIA.
The program is intended for all those involved in education, including administrators, educators, counsellors, social workers, lawyers, as well as academics and students. The training will be offered in French. Those who successfully complete the class will receive a certificate of recognition from the University of Ottawa.