Winners of the 2019 Raoul Barbe and Yolande Larose Graduate Scholarships for the Study the Judiciary

Faculty of Law - Civil Law Section
Graduate studies

By Graduate Studies

Communication, Faculty of Law

Winners of the 2019 Raoul Barbe and Yolande Larose Graduate Scholarships for the Study the Judiciary
Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the Raoul Barbe and Yolande Larose Graduate Scholarships, Amira Maameri-Ulisse (2018-2019) and Benjamin Lachance (2019-2020). The scholarships, each valued at $10,000, are awarded to students whose work focuses on the study of the judiciary.


Benjamin Lachance is a Master's student at the Faculty of Law. He was awarded the scholarship for the 2019-2020 school year.

“First of all, I would like to thank the Honorable Raoul Barbe, Yolande Larose, the University of Ottawa and the Graduate Studies Office of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa for choosing me to be a recipient of a scholarship that I consider invaluable” said Mr. Lachance. “I am sincerely touched to receive this award. I would also like to thank Professor David Robitaille for the generosity of help and support he has given me in recent months.”

“This scholarship will allow me to undertake a Master's degree on a subject that is largely dependent on judges' interpretation of the concept of federal navigation and municipal jurisdiction. In particular, I am interested in the necessary updating of Canadian federalism to enable municipalities to protect their local waters. Indeed, since navigation is a federal jurisdiction, the role of municipalities in the current state of Canadian jurisprudence is limited.” 

Amira Maameri-Ulisse, a Ph.D. student, won the scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year.

“I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, the Honorable Raoul Barbe and Mrs. Yolande Larose and the Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa for naming me this year as a recipient,” said Ms. Maameri-Ulisse. “It is a tremendous honour and an incredible opportunity for a passionate doctoral student.”

“My doctoral thesis focuses on the participation of minors in their own legal protection, and is part of a joint French-Canadian co-supervision under the direction of Professors Adeline Gouttenoire of the University of Bordeaux and Mona Paré of the University of Ottawa. My work is also undertaken as part of an international research partnership on access to justice for children and vulnerable populations.”

“My work studies a child's participation in child protection before, during and after their court-ordered placements. I am also interested in groups of particularly vulnerable children, such as unaccompanied minors and Aboriginal minors in Canada. My research considers the minor as an active subject of the law and not merely as an object of protection and care. It is clear that child protection systems in France and Canada, while pursuing the ultimate goal of protecting and securing children, still leave too little room for children to participate in their own protection.”

“In light of the 1989 International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which provides that the protection of children must be guaranteed by the right to expression and their right to participation, it was important to me to raise the issue of the voice of the placed child. To allow them to be seen as future citizens upon which a series of rights are conferred, such as the right to participate in decisions which concern them according to their age and their degree of discernment; the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; or the right to access diversified information and to promote their own physical, mental and social well-being. It is through the ability to exercise their rights that protected children can become determined actors of their own protection, regardless of family or social situation. Notwithstanding this, to what degree can minors participate in their own protection? "

The Raoul Barbe and Yolande Larose Graduate Scholarship

The Barbe-Larose scholarship was established in 2005 by the Honourable Raoul Barbe, a graduate of the Civil Law Section (1962) and his wife, Yolande Larose, a graduate of the University of Ottawa.  Mr. Barbe was a professor at the University of Ottawa from 1963 to 1971.

During his long career, Mr. Barbe held several positions, including Director of the first volume in French of Canadian and Quebec administrative law; Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly and Assistant to the Associate Deputy Minister of Justice in Quebec.  He was appointed to the Régie des services publics du Québec, and became the vice-president during the same year of his appointment.  He was also named as a member of the Canadian Association of Public Service Courts in 1978 and 1979.  In 1983, he was appointed to the Office of Assessment Review, which became the Immovable Property Section the Administrative Tribunal of Québec.

In 1991, Raoul Barbe was appointed as a judge of the Civil Division of the Court of Québec. Many of his judgments are listed in Quebec jurisprudence. In 2000, he was appointed to the Professions Tribunal.

Yolande Larose and Raoul Barbe
Yolande Larose and Raoul Barbe