Below are links to two Bibliogrpahies, on the Zotero platform, that are resources held by the Chair.
Westray conference: International Symposium on the Challenges of Workplace Injury Prevention through Financial Incentives
November 29-30, 2012 • Toronto, Canada
Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (CRWDP)
Occupational Cancer Research Centre
A research centre focused on occupational cancer
The Occupational Cancer Research Centre (OCRC), established in 2009, is the first of its kind in Canada. The establishment of the OCRC grew out of the recognized need to re-emphasize research on the causes and prevention of occupation-related cancers after decades of diminished effort in most countries.
The Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC)
was founded in 1919 as a non-profit organization. It was established to facilitate the exchange of information between Workers’ Compensation Boards and Commissions at a time when workers’ compensation law, policy and administration were in their infancy. There were six founding members: Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta, and New Brunswick. Saskatchewan joined in 1929, Quebec 1931, Prince Edward Island 1949, and Newfoundland 1950. Lastly, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut and Yukon Territory joined in 1974. Membership has expanded to include two honorary members, and a number of associate members who are interested and focus on activities consistent with the AWCBC's vision which supports the common goal of safe workplaces and healthy workers.
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
is a Canadian federal government agency based in Hamilton, Ontario, which serves to support the vision of eliminating all Canadian work-related illnesses and injuries., le blogue juridique, le blogue juridique a été initié par Jacques Desmarais, professeur au Département des sciences juridiques de l’UQAM. Jacques Desmarais a travaillé sans relâche à son développement dans une version initiale (, puis dans cette version modernisée, grâce à WordPress.
The Commission des lésions professionnelles
The Commission des lésions professionnelles (CLP) was established on April 1, 1998, replacing the Commission d'appel en matière de lésions professionnelles. The CLP is an administrative court of final recourse mandated to hear and decide appeals from decisions rendered by the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) following an administrative review. (in French only).
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)
Established in Québec since 1980, the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST) is a scientific research organization known for the quality of its work and the expertise of its personnel. The Institute is a private, non-profit agency. Its board of directors is composed of an equal number of trade union and employers' representatives, making it a joint body. The Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) provides most of the Institute's funding from the contributions it collects from employers.
Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec
Le RRSSTQ se veut une structure inter-institutionnelle et inter-disciplinaire permettant aux chercheurs actifs en santé et en sécurité du travail de se regrouper, de façon stratégique, autour d’intérêts communs pour échanger et collaborer à l’avancement de connaissances dans ce domaine. La mise en œuvre de ces efforts collectifs vise ultimement l’enrichissement de l’enseignement, de la recherche et du transfert des connaissances vers les milieux.
Institut national de santé publique du Québec:
activities in occupational health
Activities in prevention :
New Look for PISTES
PISTES now has a new interface, new navigation mode and new address! The Journal PISTES - an interdiscilplinary research journal on health and safety at work. New address:
Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT)
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT) is the final level of appeal to which workers and employers may bring disputes concerning workplace safety and insurance matters in Ontario. The Appeals Tribunal is separate from and independent of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
The Institute for Work & Health
The Institute for Work & Health is an independent, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to conduct and share research with workers, labour, employers, clinicians and policy-makers to promote, protect and improve the health of working people. is an independent, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to conduct and share research with workers, labour, employers, clinicians and policy-makers to promote, protect and improve the health of working people.
International Association of Workplace Bullying and Harassment
Workers’ Comp Hub (, a resource website for injured and ill workers.
National Research Centre for OHS Regulation
The National Research Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation is funded by the Australian Safety and Compensation Council to conduct research into OHS regulation, consistent with the National OHS Strategy 2002-2012, as endorsed by the Workplace Relations Ministers Council (WRMC).
International Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation
The International Social Security and Workers Compensation Journal is an online double blind peer-reviewed journal which focuses on strengthening international discourse in the areas of social security and workers compensation, including the provision of disability support.
Business Outsourcing and Restructuring Regulatory Research Network (BORRRN)
Founded in 2008 by a small group of Australian researchers, the Business Outsourcing and Restructuring Regulatory Research Network (BORRRN) undertakes national, international, comparative and inter-disciplinary research on the interface between business outsourcing, business restructuring and work. The fields of research explored by BORRRN span commerce, industrial relations, occupational health and safety, the law of work, contract law, trade practices law, consumer protection law, international law and business regulation generally.
The European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education, and Health and Safety (ETUI-REHS)
is an international non profit-making Association established under Belgian law. The ETUI-REHS was created in April 2005 as a result of the merger of three bodies: the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI); the European Trade Union College (ETUCO); the Trade Union Technical Bureau (TUTB). Publications
Workers and employers need to be made aware of the risks that they face, and how to manage them. But health and safety bodies in the individual EU Member States cannot do this alone. That is why the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work was set up, in 1996.
HesaMag is a magazine all about health and safety at work, published in English and French. It is profusely illustrated, printed in full color, and designed to appeal to a wide readership. HesaMag is published twice a year, and sets out to show that occupational health is not just something for specialists but both a big political issue and a daily concern for millions of workers. HESAMAG is published by the ETUI:The European Trade Union Institute is the independent research and training centre of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) which itself affiliates European trade unions into a single European umbrella organisation.
RISCTOX: a comprehensive database on toxic and hazardous substances ûblished by ETUI.
L’Association Henri Pézerat a pour but de créer et de faire vivre un réseau d’échanges d’expérience et d’aide aux luttes sociales concernant la santé des personnes en lien avec le travail et l’environnement.