Policy and Practice  in Return to Work  After a Work Injury:  Challenging Circumstances  and Innovative Solutions

Research Project: Policy and Practice in Return-to-Work after a Work Injury

This research group hosted a conference titled Workers' Health and Return to Work in a Changing World of Work.


A multi-disciplinary research team aims to better understand how Canadian public policies can ensure sustainable return to work for workers injured: 

1) while working in non-standard employment (temporary, on-call, part-time, and self-employed workers), 

2) while engaged in geographical mobile work or  

3) while working full time at minimum wage. 

This includes workers suffering from either physical or mental health problems attributable to the workplace and the roles of unions and workplaces in supporting return to work. 

Below are the research streams, some of which include several projects: 

Knowledge Mobilisation Activities


Webinar Series on Return-to-Work

This webinar series looks at:
•    Return to Work and Mental Health
•    Return to Work after a period of disability: what roles for the workplace and health care professionals? (in French) 
•    Work Disability Policy and Practice – Supporting the Healthcare and Mobility of Injured and Disabled Workers
•    Return to Work and Mobile Workers: Seafarers and Other Interjurisdictional Workers
•    Migrant and Mobile Workers Access to Healthcare

maritime workers

Symposium on Return to Work in a Changing World of Work 2019

This symposium presents the research results looking at the application of workers’ compensation legislation and policies governing return to work after a work injury. More specifically, these pilot studies looked at the experience of precariously employed workers in Ontario and Québec with workers’ compensation as well as the situation of mobile workers, including Temporary Foreign Workers. 

photo de KL

XXe Journée en droit social et du travail

This 20th edition of the Journée en droit social et du travail looks at return to work after a work injury and how it applies to precariously employed workers. 

ournée en droit social et du travail banner


Funders - Policy and Practice  in Return to Work  After a Work Injury

Contact us

General inquiries

Monique Lefebvre
[email protected]

Media inquiries

Ellen MacEachen
[email protected]