Mapping cross-border legal challenges arising from digitalisation of work: what role for Private International Law?, Future of Work: Reclaiming the value of work in the digital economy, ETUI - KU Leuven Conference, Leuven (Belgium), 21 February 2025
Notarizing beyond Borders through Online Appearance: the Rise of Remote Authentic Instruments, 5th German Conference for Young Researchers in Private International Law, Heildeberg University (Germany), 14 February 2025
Bijuralism in Canada : the role of notaries and lawyers, Conference « Dialogue between legal systems. Notary or Attorney? Competing or complementary roles in non-contentious matters - The added value of notarial involvement », International Union of notaries – College of Notaries of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Porto Rico (online), Decembre 5, 2024
L’acte notarié à distance – enjeux de circulation internationale, Conference « Loi sur le notariat et numérique », University of Montreal, Canada, November 27, 2024
La circulación de los instrumentos notariales en el espacio iberoamericano. Informe de Québec, XIX Ibero-American Notarial Conference, Tenerife, Spain, September 18, 2024
Online conclusion of cross-border marriages and divorces, Conflict resolution with equitative algorithms (CREA2 Project) Final Conference, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, May 24, 2024
Rapport de synthèse sur les actes notariés avec comparution en ligne, World Symposium on digitalization of notarial acts and dejudicialization, International Union of Notaries and Brazilian College of Notaries, Brasilia, November 9, 2023, in 130 (2024) Revista Internacional del Notariado 54-61, on
Cross-border teleworking: jurisdictional and choice of law challenges, Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Annual Conference, Ottawa, October 26, 2023
Remote authentic acts - new challenges for legal certainty, IVth International Congress of Portuguese Notaries « Citizens' Rights in a Globalized and Digital World », Aveiro, Portugal, September 30, 2023
The place of Quebec in the notarial system: comparative reflections on the interplay between the civil law and the common law traditions in the digital and global age, Colloque « Dialogue between legal systems. The added value of the notarial act », Society of Scrivener Notaries, London, United Kingdom, September 26, 2023, in 131 (2024) Revista Internacional del Notariado 36-42, on
The cross-border circulation of remote authentic instruments: inconsistencies and challenges, 9th Journal of Private International Law Conference, Singapore Management University, Singapore, August 3, 2023
Digitalization of family acts in cross-border cases: the examples of online marriages and notarial divorces, 18th World Conference (Golden Jubilee) of the International Society of Family Law, Antwerp, Belgium, July 14, 2023
The habitual place of work as a connecting factor in cross-border teleworking: challenging the traditional conflict of laws approach, Society of Legal Scholars, 113th Annual Conference, King’s College London, September 8, 2022
La gestation pour autrui en droit international privé québécois, Colloque « Gestation pour autrui et droit international privé », Catholic University of louvain, (online), March 31, 2022
Cross-border teleworking and the dematerialization of the “habitual place of work”: Exploring the intersection of national labour law and private international law, 5th Labour Law Research Network Conference, University of Warsaw (online), June 28, 2021
Enjeux juridiques du télétravail transfrontalier, Forum “Skills and work in the era of the digital economy”, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada (online), September 28, 2021
L'acte électronique à distance en droit comparé, International Forum on Legal Integration, “Technological progress in the notarial field”, Escola Nacional de Notários e Registradores, Brazil (online), October 20, 2020
Normas de policía y autonomía de la voluntad en los reglamentos europeos en materia familiar y sucesoria, XII International Seminar on Private International Law, Lisbon, Portugal, September 12, 2018
Le notaire, tiers de confiance des citoyens, des entreprises et de l’État. Fondements juridiques, économiques et sociaux, XXVIII Congress of the International Union of Latin Notaries, Paris, France, October 20, 2016
Les régimes successoraux particuliers en droit international privé comparé, Summer Seminar, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, June 2, 2015
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