Upper-Year Applicants
Transfer applicants
Letter of permission applicants
Students who wish to complete one semester or one full year of their law studies at the University of Ottawa as visiting students can apply to study with us on a Letter of Permission from their home institution. Applications will be accepted only from students who have successfully completed the first year of a Canadian common law program.
Lawyers Trained Outside Canada and National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) Applicants
Persons with a completed law degree from Quebec or from a foreign jurisdiction who wish to be admitted to the practice of law in a Canadian common law jurisdiction can apply to the National Committee on Accreditation for an assessment of the equivalency of their legal studies (established by the Council of Canadian Law Deans and the Federation of Law Societies of Canada). For further information on the accreditation process please contact the NCA directly. More information can be found on the NCA website at Federation of Law Societies of Canada, under the Foreign Lawyers heading.
Non-Degree Students and Auditors
Courses offered by the Common Law Section of the Faculty of Law are generally reserved for students registered in one of the school's programs.
The Faculty does, however, allow lawyers who are members of the bar of a Canadian province or territory, to apply to take 2nd or 3rd-year courses in order to expand their knowledge in specific areas of the law. To find out more about our course offerings, the Course Selection Guide is available online under the Common Law Student Centre. Please make sure to look at the course offerings in both English and French.