Fun, informative, inspirational and educational events to connect and network with fellow Alumni. Social gatherings, Homecoming activities, Lectures, Educational Sessions are all part of our plans!

Upcoming events

Coming soon

Have a look at past Alumni Events including Class Reunions

12 November 2024 Toronto

Toronto Alumni Legal Rendez-vous 2024

November 12, 2024 at Ontario Bar Association, 20 Toronto Street, Toronto

30 october 2024 Ottawa

2024 Honour Society Celebration

October 30, 2024 in Ottawa

october 4th 2024 ottawa

October 4th 2024 reunion

October 4th 2024 at Father & Sons

27 September 2024

Dean’s 2024 Homecoming Reception

September 27 at Father & Sons

Toronto Alumni Reception

Toronto Alumni Reception

A conversation between Dean Kristen Boon and Supreme Court justice The Honourable Michelle O'Bonsawin


Dean’s 2023 Homecoming Reception

October 12 at Father & Sons


Vancouver Alumni Breakfast

27 September at Terminal City Club


2023 Honour Society Celebration

13 September 2023


Common law reunion weekend 2022

University of Ottawa Homecoming 2022

Alumni group

Common law reunion weekend 2019

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join us for the 2019 Homecoming Weekend.

homecoming 2018

University of Ottawa Homecoming 2018

University of Ottawa Homecoming 2018

Réunion 2015

Common Law Reunion Weekend 2015

Come join us at the 2015 Common Law Reunion Weekend, celebrating classes whose graduating years end in a 0 or 5. Reunion weekend will be a great opportunity to revisit Fauteux Hall to see the many changes and renovations; catch up with old friends; reminisce on fond memories at your alma mater; and make new memories to last you until your next reunion. We can't wait to see you there!

wording 2014

Class Reunions in 2014

The weekend of September 19-21, 2014 marked many special milestones for Common Law alumni who came back to their alma mater to celebrate their 2014 reunions. Celebrating milestones for classes ending in a 4 or a 9, the reunion weekend brought together alumni from all over Ontario, Canada, the United States, and even Papua New Guinea, to revisit their law school, see the many changes and renovations that have taken place over the years, catch up with old friends and reminisce on fond memories from their law school days. Over the course of the weekend the Common Law Section hosted two annual events: the Dean’s Cocktail Reception Alumni Gala Dinner. The 2014 reunion also launched three new events: the “Last Lecture” series; a 5k run and; a farewell brunch.

wording 2013

Class Reunions in 2013

The weekend of September 27-29, 2013 marked many special milestones for Common Law alumni who came back to their alma mater to celebrate their 2013 Homecoming reunions. Celebrating milestones for classes ending in a 3 or an 8, Homecoming brought together alumni from all over Ontario, Canada and the United States to revisit their law school, see the many changes and renovations that have taken place over the years, catch up with old friends and reminisce on fond memories from their law school days. Over the course of the weekend the Common Law Section hosted two reunion events: the Dean’s Cocktail Reception and the Alumni Gala Dinner. Members of the class of 1993 also participated in a special tree planting ceremony in memory of Richard Bogart (’93), a special classmate who passed away in May 2012 from ALS.

wording 2012

Class Reunions in 2012

On the weekend of September 28-30, 2012, Common Law alumni returned to the law school to celebrate class reunions, restore old friendships and revisit life at the University of Ottawa. The Common Law Section hosted three major events over the weekend, in addition to class reunion events organized by individual milestone reunion classes. The Common Law Cocktail Reception launched the festivities at Fauteux Hall on the evening of September 28. On Saturday, September 29, Common Law picked up the celebrations in the afternoon at the Fairmont Château Laurier with a special event marking the 40th Anniversary of the National Program. Following the National Program celebration, nearly 150 graduates gathered for the centrepiece of Common Law’s Homecoming weekend, the annual Common Law Alumni Gala Dinner. Graduates celebrating class reunions, particularly those from the classes of 1962, 1982 and 1987, showed up in large numbers to enjoy the fabulous meal, followed by dancing to the music of retired Professor Ed Ratushny and his jazz band, The Wave. 

number 2011

Class Reunions in 2011

On the weekend of September 16-18, 2011, Common Law alumni returned to the law school to celebrate class reunions, restore old friendships and revisit life at the University of Ottawa.  The law school hosted two major events over the weekend, in addition to class reunion events organized by individual milestone reunion classes. This year, the classes of ’61, ’66, ’71, ’76, ’81, ’86, ’91, ’96, ’01 and ’06 celebrated anniversaries.  The Common Law Cocktail Reception launched the festivities on the evening of September 16, and the Alumni Gala Dinner—the defining event of Homecoming weekend—took place at the Fairmont Château Laurier on September 17.  Approximately 200 graduates gathered for the dinner, followed by dancing to the music of retired Professor Ed Ratushny and his jazz band, The Wave.

number 2010

Class reunions in 2010

On a special Homecoming weekend that marked the golden anniversary of its first graduating class from 1960, the Common Law Section hosted two special events for Homecoming 2010.  On Friday, September 24, graduates were invited to return to campus and revisit their law school for the annual Common Law Cocktail Reception.  The following night, graduates from the classes of 1960, ’65, ’70, ’75, ’80, ’85, ’90, ’95, ’00 and ’05 reconnected in the Ballroom of the Fairmont Château Laurier to celebrate their class reunions, restore old friendships and remember life at the University of Ottawa.

number 2009

Class reunions in 2009

A record number of Common Law alumni returned to the law school over the weekend of September 25-27, 2009 to celebrate their class reunions, renew old friendships and revisit life at the University of Ottawa. The Faculty hosted three major events over Homecoming weekend, in addition to numerous class reunion events organized by individual milestone reunion classes. The inaugural Common Law Cocktail Reception launched the festivities on the Friday evening, while Saturday witnessed the continued success of the popular Tea & Talk for Women Graduates, and the centrepiece of Homecoming weekend, the Alumni Gala Dinner. This year, celebrations highlighted the anniversaries of the classes of ’64, ’69, ’74, ’79, ’84, ’89, ’94, ’99 and ’04.

number 2008

Class reunion in 2008

While lightning illuminated the Supreme Court of Canada in the background, thunderous applause filled the Canadian War Museum as an impressive range of Common Law alumni gathered within to celebrate Homecoming 2008. Graduates from over 50 years returned to campus to renew old ties, forge new relationships, and observe how the faculty has changed.  The weekend featured class reunion anniversaries for members of the classes of ’63, ’68, ’73, ’78, ‘83, ’88, ’93, ’98 and ’03.

Reunion of 73

Reunion of 73

The class of ’73 had a reunion on Saturday, September 30, 2006 in the Tsampalieros Atrium at Fauteux Hall. 


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