A number of excellent fellowship opportunities are available to law students over the summer months each year.

Information on fellowships

Fellowships can be a source of funding for students who want to engage in work that might not otherwise be remunerated. Fellowships are offered which fund opportunities for students to work on social justice topics or with public interest organizations. Others are available for students wanting to work with small law firms or sole practitioners. Fellowships must be applied for in advance and typically the selection process is quite competitive.  Fellowships are typically granted based on both the strength of the applicant and the quality of the project/work being proposed.  

All fellowship opportunities are advertised to students as the deadlines approach. Typically, applications will be due in March each year. Detailed information about each fellowship opportunity will be published in The Source Document Library as well as on Brightspace under “Bourse de stage | Fellowship” section which can be found on your home page.

For more information on any of our fellowship programs do not hesitate to contact Anna Jeffery, Professional Development Counsellor by e-mail at [email protected]

group looking at laptop


A fellowship can be a source of funding for students who want to engage in work during the summer that might not otherwise be remunerated. Some fellowships fund opportunities for students to work on social justice topics or with public interest organizations; others are available for students wanting to work with small law firms or sole practitioners. 

Fellowships must be applied for well in advance of the summer and typically the selection process is quite competitive.  Fellowships are granted based on both the strength of the applicant and the quality of the project/work being proposed. 

Typically, applications will be due in late March each year and the selection of successful candidates will be complete in early April each year. 

Detailed information about each fellowship opportunity will be published in The Summer Fellowship Handbook which will be available in the Source Document Library in late December as well as on Brightspace under “Bourse de stage | Fellowship” section which can be found on your home page. The purpose of this handbook is to assist students in the preparation of their Fellowship application.

Here is a list of the type of fellowships offered in past years. Keep in mind that the number of fellowships and type of fellowships available each year depends on the funding secured. 

  • Public Interest Fellowship
  • Feminist Public Interest Fellowship
  • International Social Justice Fellowship
  • Hennick Business Law Fellowship
  • Hennick Entrepreneurial Law Fellowship
  • Amatul Rahman Malik Justice Fellowship
  • Bourse de stage fonds Nicole LaViolette
  • Small Firm or Sole Practitioner Fellowship
  • Directed Access to Justice Fellowship – Ticket Defence Program
  • Directed Access to Justice Fellowship – A2J Lab & Avant Law
  • Directed Access to Justice Fellowship – Prison Law Clinic
  • Directed Fellowship – Law Commission of Ontario
  • Directed Fellowship - Food Law

A number of excellent fellowship opportunities are available to law students over the summer months each year.

For more information on any of our fellowship programs do not hesitate to contact Anna Jeffery, Professional Development Counsellor by e-mail at [email protected]

Student Testimonials - Summer Fellowship

Fellowships Guidelines FAQ

Picture of an accepting hand

Sponsor a fellowship program

If you’d like more information on how you can sponsor any of these Fellowship programs please contact Anna Jeffery, Professional Development Counsellor.
Contact Anna Jeffery