The success and growth of JurisMentor has been tremendous. Since the program's predecessor, Legal Links and Bridges, which began in 1997, hundreds of participants have helped make this experience worthwhile for both lawyers and students.
We view mentoring as a process that allows both the mentor and mentee to grow and develop. Students are afforded the opportunity to connect with lawyers and members of the legal profession in formal and informal environments and to learn from the valuable experience that their mentor can provide. Mentors are able to share their knowledge and expertise with students and provide guidance to them while enhancing their personal and professional development.
What is JurisMentor?
JurisMentor is an episodic mentorship program based out of the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section. The program pairs law students with members of the legal community, providing students with the opportunity to connect with lawyers with similar legal and non-legal interests. Upon completion of a mandatory training session, student participants gain access to an online database of virtual mentor profiles, through which they can select and contact a mentor whom they are interested in receiving mentorship from. This program offers the possibility of being matched with more than one mentor over the course of the academic year.
Why mentorship?
Mentors serve as role models to students and are a source of information regarding a range of topics, such as what the dynamics of certain areas of practice are like, bar admissions and articling. Often, the students would just like to know what the day-to-day realities of practicing law are like. Mentoring allows lawyers to make a valuable contribution to the development of our law students and to create bonds with future bar members. Likewise, mentorship allows students to expand their professional networks and gain valuable guidance.
What is expected of mentors and students?
The program is quite informal, with contact occurring in whatever locations, times, and as often as the participants mutually choose. Contact can include going out for a coffee or a meal, inviting the student to watch you in court, or simply being available to answer questions your mentee may have. Commitment and length of mentorship can vary due to the episodic nature of the program, but typically, it is relatively short term.
Students are expected to maintain a high degree of professionalism when communicating with mentors. Student participants of the JurisMentor program should bear in mind that they serve as representatives of the common law section.
How do I get involved and learn more?
Prospective participants in the JurisMentor program are not required to complete an application form. However, we host a mandatory information and training session which students interested in participating in the program should attend (Fall or Winter*). Students can sign up for the session through The Source.
* If you attended the Fall session, you do not need to attend the same session in the Winter (the same information will be shared at both).
Additional questions and inquiries about the JurisMentor program should be directed to:
Coordinator, JurisMentor Program
[email protected]