The Community Legal Education and Outreach Division is the primary point of contact between the Clinic and the community and the undergraduate student body at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. The division’s mandate is to inform and educate the community about their legal rights and responsibilities.
The Community Legal Education and Outreach Division provides law students with the invaluable opportunity to gain solid knowledge of many area of the law, to acquire both written and spoken communication skills, to develop a talent for public-speaking and to sharpen networking skills.
Caseworkers in this division deal with community organizations and the general public. In collaboration with community organizations, caseworkers give legal information workshops on a variety of legal topics such as human rights, tenant rights, workers’ rights, and debtor’s rights. Caseworkers conduct research on topics assigned to them, draft presentations using plain language, and may develop brochures, quick reference tip sheets on a particular legal topic, pamphlets and posters, upon request.
Caseworkers also participate in Outreach activities such as community fairs and other events.