Jamie Benidickson teaches Canadian and International Environmental Law, Water Law, Sustainable Development Law and Canadian Legal History. His publications in these areas include Environmental Law 5th (Irwin Law, 2019) and The Culture of Flushing: A Social and Legal History of Sewage (UBC Press, 2007), short-listed in 2008 for the Harold Adams Innis Prize.
In addition to these academic interests, Jamie has been actively involved in the public policy process through his work with a number of royal commissions and inquiries, including the Royal Commission on Economic Union and Development Prosepects for Canada and the Walkerton Inquiry. He has also held several administrative positions with professional and academic organizations and recently served as Director of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law.
His ongoing research projects centre on governance regimes for watersheds, biodiversity and sustainable development in Canada, and the regulation of beer and breweries. Jamie’s non-academic interests in canoeing and wilderness travel have also led to a number of publications, including Idleness, Water and A Canoe (University of Toronto Press).