Denis Boivin
Denis Boivin
Full Professor

BSocSc, LLB (Ottawa)
LLM (Yale)

57 Louis Pasteur, Room FTX 379
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 3329
Fax: 613-562-5124


Professor Boivin joined the Faculty of Law in 1993 after completing his graduate studies at Yale and clerking at the Supreme Court of Canada for Justice Iacobucci. He teaches and publishes in the areas of Torts, Insurance Law and Remedies. In 1999, the Canadian Association of Law Teachers awarded him the Schorarly Paper Award for his article "Factual Causation in the Law of Manufacturer Failure to Warn". A Fulbright Scholar, he is the author of four books, Insurance Law (2004 - Irwin Law), La responsabilité délictuelle en common law (2005 - Yvon Blais - with Louise Bélanger-Hardy), Le droit des assurances dans les provinces de common law (2006 - LexisNexis), and La réparation en common law et en equity (2012 - Yvon Blais). His English text on Insurance Law has been cited by the Supreme Court of Canada, by five different appellate courts (B.C., Ontario, Québec, N-B and Nfld.) and in many trial court decisions; his French book on insurance has been cited twice by the Québec Court of Appeal. Professor Boivin is also the recipient of several teaching awards. In June 2007, he received the University of Ottawa’s Excellence in Education Prize award, granted to an educator who has demonstrated outstanding teaching skills while maintaining a solid research program.

Professor Boivin also has considerable experience in administrative law and adjudication. Since December of 2004, he is an active member of the Financial Services Tribunal of Ontario and, in this capacity, has chaired more than twenty disciplinary hearings involving insurance agents and mortgage intermediaries. In June of 2009, his appointment to the Tribunal was extended for another five years by the provincial government.

Professor Boivin joined CazaSaikaley LLP as counsel in February 2012, a new bilingual litigation boutique practicing in the fields of civil, commercial, employment and public law litigation. Between 2008 and 2012, he practised law on a part-time basis with Heenan Blaikie LLP.


  • La réparation en common law et en equity (NEW)
    La réparation en common law et en equity offers an in-depth study of the main relief mechanisms available in common law and equity: compensatory damages, punitive damages, injunctions and specific performance.

    Each chapter places the material in context, analyzes the rules and principles at issue, and includes extracts from the jurisprudence and notes in which the author comments on the jurisprudence and presents recent developments.

    This book is for both lawyers working in the area of tort and contract liability and for budding jurists studying common law.

  • Le droit des assurances dans les provinces de common law
    Le droit des assurances dans les provinces de common law brings together federal, provincial and territorial law, principles of common law and customs. The book provides a complete, practical introduction to the constantly-changing mosaic of jurisprudence and legislation. It is meant for both civil law practitioners in Quebec who must intervene outside the province and francophone lawyers working in common law provinces.

  • La responsabilité délictuelle en common law
    Canadian society is more complex than ever, and circumstances or one person’s actions can increasingly have consequences for another’s person and assets.

    Tort liability law, developed through court decisions, focuses specifically on situations where a wrongful action causes bodily harm, material damage or economic loss to another. This area of law also includes the study of the rules underlying a decision to hold a person who has committed a fault legally liable.

    The authors present the first volume of its type published in French. You’ll find basic concepts, a historical overview, useful contextualization and many extracts from the jurisprudence, all accompanied by valuable commentary from two experts on the topic.

    Primarily a helpful teaching resource for those studying common law, La responsabilité délictuelle en common law will also be of great use for legal professionals working in the area of civil liability.

  • Insurance Law
    Canadian Insurance Law is a complex mixture of federal and provincial legislation, common law, and custom. This book offers a concise introduction to this patchwork of regulation. The book is divided into three parts. Part One provides an introduction to the creation and enforcement of insurance contracts. Part Two describes the fundamental rules applicable to the creation of insurance relationships. Part Three outlines the basic rules governing the enforcement of insurance contracts.


  • Auto Insurance in BC
    "Automobile Insurance in British Columbia: Autoplan Turns Thirty"
    by Denis Boivin
    (2004) 71 Insurance and Risk Management 613
    19 pages
  • Auto Insurance in Ontario
    "Automobile Insurance in Ontario: Direct Compensation for Property Damage, Personal Injury, and Death"
    by Denis Boivin
    (2004) 72 Insurance and Risk Management 437
    28 pages
  • Charter Damages
    "Une approche téléologique à la réparation pécuniaire disponible en vertu du paragraphe 24(1) de la Charte canadienne"
    by Denis Boivin
    (1996) 1 Revue de la common law en français 45
    43 pages
  • Defamation and the Charter
    "Accommodating Freedom of Expression and Reputation in the Common Law of Defamation"
    by Denis Boivin
    (1997) 22 Queen's Law Journal 229
    68 pages
  • Denial of Insurance Benefits
    "Wrongful Denial of Insurance Benefits: A Canadian Perspective "
    by Denis Boivin
    (1999) 7 Tort Law Review 52
    20 pages
  • Dobson v Dobson
    "L'affaire Dobson (Tuteur à l'instance de) c Dobson : un conflit entre la théorie et la pratique"
    by Denis Boivin and Sandra Rosier
    (2000) 31 Ottawa Law Review 283
    15 pages
  • Duty to Disclose in Insurance
    "L'obligation de divulgation en assurances"
    by Denis Boivin
    (2005) 36 Ottawa Law Review 1
    48 pages
  • Failure to Warn: Causation
    "Negligence, Strict Liability, and Manufacturer Failure to Warn: On Fitting Round Pegs in a Square Hole"
    by Denis Boivin
    (1993) 16 Dalhousie Law Journal 299
    61 pages
  • Failure to Warn: Standard of Care
    “Negligence, Strict Liability, and Manufacturer Failure to Warn: On Fitting Round Pegs in a Square Hole"
    by Denis Boivin
    (1993) 16 Dalhousie Law Journal 299
    61 pages
  • Good Faith and Insurance Claims
    "La bonne foi et l'indemnisation des personnes assurées"
    by Denis Boivin
    (1998) 43 McGill Law Journal 221
    40 pages
  • Products Liability
    "Strict Products Liability Revisited"
    by Denis Boivin
    (1995) 33 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 487
    61 pages
  • Social Host Liability
    "Social Host Liability in Canada: Mixed Message from the Ontario Court of Appeal"
    by Denis Boivin
    (2004) 12 Tort Law Review 164
    12 pages