Angela Cameron
Angela Cameron
Associate Professor

57 Louis Pasteur St, Room 341
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 3328


Dr. Angela Cameron is an Associate Professor and joined the faculty in 2008. She received her LL.B. from Dalhousie University in 1998, and was admitted to the Nova Scotia Bar in 1999. She received her L.L.M. from the University of British Columbia in 2003 and her Doctorate from the University of Victoria in 2012. She was an SSHRC Doctoral Fellow, and a President’s Research Scholar at the University of Victoria.

She received the Order of Ottawa in 2018 for her community work.

In 2024 she received the APUO Award for Excellence in Teaching.  

Professor Cameron has been a visiting scholar at Carleton University’s Department of Law and Legal Studies in Ottawa and Kent University’s Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality at the Faculty of Law in the United Kingdom.  In 2015 she was the Simone De Beauvoir Institute’s Lilian Robinson scholar in residence at Concordia University in Montreal, QC. In 2022 she was a visiting professor in the Indigenous JD program at the  University of Victoria Faculty of Law.

In 2023 Professor Cameron received the faculty’s excellence in teaching award, and the Nicole Laviolette Distinguished Service Faculty Award. In 2015 she received the Faculty of Law’s community service award, and in 2018 she received the faculty's award for excellence in graduate supervision. From 2020 to 2024 Professor Cameron was the English co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. From 2014-2023 she was a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers.  From 2014 to 2020 she held the Greenberg Chair in Women in the Legal Profession, and was the Chair of  FAFIA, one of Canada’s leading feminist organisations, from 2014 to 2019.  

Dr. Cameron has been the faculty advisor to a wide variety of student organisations including the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law’s  Women’s Legal Mentorship Program and the OUTlaws.

She is a co-investigator on three SSHRC funded grants entitled "Surrogates Voices: Exploring Surrogate's Experiences and Insights", "Indigenous Land Reform, Indigenous law and Gender" and "Gender and Impact Benefit Agreements."

She is the co-editor (with Sari Graben and Val Napoleon) of the book, Creating Indigenous Property: Power, Rights, and Relationships (2020), and the co-editor (with Vanessa Gruben and Alana Cattapan) of Surrogacy in Canada: Critical Perspective in Law and Policy (2018).

Professor Cameron teaches Property Law; Gender, Sexuality and Law; and a graduate seminar in Contemporary Legal Issues. She is the co-ordinator of the faculty’s 1L Truth and Reconciliation course, and also teaches part of this mandatory program. Since 2014 she has been the co-chair of the faculty’s Reconciliation and Decolonisation committee.  

Professor Cameron’s research areas include: critical feminist perspectives on assisted human reproduction, LGBTQ+ family law, human rights law, sociological approaches to law and critical feminist perspectives on Indigenous-settler relations.