Marel Katsivela
Marel Katsivela
Full Professor

PhD (Université de Montréal-Canada/Université de Nantes-France)
LLM (York University - Canada)
LLM (University of Arkansas-United States)
LLM (Université de Brest-France)
Maîtrise (Université de Grenoble II-France)

57, Louis-Pasteur St., Room 535
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 4439


Marel Katsivela joined the common law program in French at the University of Ottawa in 2010. Her research lies in the areas of transportation law (Ph.D. thesis topic), comparative maritime law and comparative tort law.

Pr. Katsivela has published articles in comparative tort law and comparative maritime law. She is currently working on regulatory and ethical issues present with respect to unmanned vessels. Throughout the years she has received different grants to support her research interests and publications. 

Pr. Katsivela worked as an attorney in New York for three years before pursuing an academic career. She is a member of the bars of New York, Greece (Piraeus) and Ontario (Canada). Before joining the University of Ottawa Pr. Katsivela taught at the College of the Bahamas Department of Law in Nassau (Bahamas) for four years. She is currently teaching maritime law (in French and in English) and common law torts-civil law extra-contractual liability at the Programme de Droit Canadien (bijural program) of the University of Ottawa.

Books published

LEGAL CASES FOR KIDS An introduction to law for young curious minds in English, French and Greek, Savvy Book Marketing, 2022.

ΝΟΜΙΚΕΣ ΥΠΟΘΕΣΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΝΕΟΥΣ Εισαγωγή στο δίκαιο στα αγγλικά, γαλλικά και ελληνικά, Savvy Book Marketing, 2022.

LEGAL CASES FOR KIDS An introduction to law for young curious minds in English, French and Greek

Responsabilité délictuelle et responsabilité extracontractuelle au Canada. Une étude de droit comparé, Montréal, Éditions Thémis, 2021.

Responsabilité délictuelle et responsabilité extracontractuelle au Canada. Une étude de droit comparé