Andrew Lister holds several law degrees and is a member of the Law Societies of Ontario and the Northwest Territories.
In addition to lawyering, Andrew enjoys teaching. Since 2007 Andrew has taught courses in employment law, pension and benefits, professional responsibility and legal ethics, civil procedure and trial advocacy at the University of Ottawa. He also taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in Economics and Public Administration at Carleton University. Andrew also taught Public Law and Litigation in the now defunct Bar Admission Course in the early 2000s as well as the Lawyers’ Certification Programme until it too was disbanded.
Andrew’s litigation practice focuses mostly on employment and labour law, human rights and administrative law. In his almost 30 years as a litigator, Andrew has acted for and against unions, for employers and for employees and in front of myriad administrative tribunals, professional regulatory boards and tribunals, federal and provincial boards and human rights tribunals as well as conducted trials, motions and appeals before the Ontario Superior Court, Divisional Court and Court of Appeal as well as the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal. Andrew’s extensive and broad legal practice enables him to bring practical and thoughtful experience to the classroom.