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Dallas Mack
Part-time Professor

BSc Honours, Chemistry (University of Ottawa)
LLB (University of Ottawa)


Dallas Mack is a graduate of the University of Ottawa with a BSc, Honours Chemistry, and an LLB.  After graduating with his LLB in 2001 Dallas articled at the Crown Attorney's office in Ottawa and was later hired after his call to the bar of Ontario in September 2002.  

Dallas regularly prosecutes criminal matters in the Ontario and Superior Court of Justice and has argued appeals at the summary conviction appeal level and the Ontario Court of Appeal.

In addition to his work as an Assistant Crown, Dallas was a co-author of the Crown Weekly Netletter from 2002 until September 2010.  He now has a new product, published on Westlaw's CriminalSource: Mack's Criminal Law Bulletin.

Over the past few years Dallas has also published papers on topics ranging from impaired driving to investigative detention.

Dallas is also an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa Law School teaching Forensic Science and Criminal Law.

Dallas regularly lectures for the Ottawa Police Service and the Ontario Crown Attorney's Association on topics including impaired driving (alcohol and drugs) and search and seizure.

Dallas is the recipient of the Nelligan O'Brien Payne Award (highest standing in trial advocacy), an Excelsior Award (from the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General) and the Prosecutor of the Year Award (from the International Association of Financial Crime Investigators).

Professor Mack has just recently released the second edition of his book, Mack’s Criminal Law Trial Book. For more information on his book below is the direct link to the publisher’s website.