Matt Malone

HBA (University of Toronto)
MA (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
LLB, BCL (McGill University)
Professor Malone's main research interest pertains to the various ways law protects secret information, especially in the context of trade secrecy, confidential information, access to information, privacy, data protection, and cybersecurity. He also maintains a broad interest in legal issues pertinent to modern workplaces, in particular workplace investigations. He is called to the bar in British Columbia, California, and New York.
Matt is a graduate of the University of Toronto (hBA), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (MA), and McGill University (LLB, BCL). After law school, Matt practiced law full-time in California at Morrison & Foerster and Van Dermyden Makus. He began his academic career as an Assistant Professor at Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law. He is currently an academic partner at the Investigative Journalism Foundation and an advisory board member of the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association.
- "We Have Received a Complaint: The Fraught World of Workplace Justice (Toronto: Sutherland House, 2023)
- "The Law of Trade Secrets and Confidential Information in Canada” (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2023)
Refereed Publications
- “Data Localization, Hegemony, and the Popular Will: A View from Canada,” Comparative Data Law Conference Proceedings (Fall 2024).
- “Privacy in the Future Era of AI,” Human-Centered AI A Multidisciplinary Perspective for Policy-Makers, Auditors, and Users, ed. Catherine Regis et al., Routledge (March 2024)
- “Weaponizing Cross-Border Data Flows: An Opportunity for NATO?,” NATO CCDCOE, 15th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Meeting Reality (2023)
- "The Costs of Reconciliation," Supreme Court Law Review, Vol. 111 (August 2023)
- with Russ Walton, "Comparing Canada’s Proposed Critical Cyber Systems Protections Act with Cyber Security Legal Requirements in the EU," International Cybersecurity Law Review (March 2023)
- “Lessons from ArriveCAN: Access to Information and Justice During A Glitch,” Intellectual Property Journal (Spring 2023)
- "Third-Party Record Exemptions In Canada’s Access To Information Act: A Growing Problem For AI And ADM," CIGI, Policy Brief Series (May 2022)
- "Non-competes and Existing Protections for Confidential Information and Trade Secrets: Reconsidering the Public Interest," Canadian Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 37 (Winter 2022)
- "A Comparative History of the Law of Confidential Information and Trade Secrets in Canada and the United States: Towards Harmonization?," Intellectual Property Journal, 34:1 (Winter 2022)
- "IP, Encryption, and the Threat to Public Safety," Manitoba Law Journal (Winter 2022)
- "Vers l’harmonisation du droit des renseignements de nature confidentielle et des secrets industriels au Canada et aux États-Unis", Les Cahiers de propriété intellectuelle, 33:3 (October 2021)
- "Evolving Threats to California's General Prohibition Against Restraints on Trade," UC Davis Business Law Journal, 21:2 (Fall 2021)
- "Consequences of the Criminalization of Trade Secrets in Canada," UBC Law Review, 54:2 (August 2021)
- “On the (Data) Breach of Confidence,” Alberta Law Review, 58:4 (Summer 2021)
- “Criminal Enforcement of Trade Secret Theft: Strategic Considerations for Canadian SMEs,” Technology Information Management Review (November 2020)
- “Trade Secrets, Big Data, and the Future of Public Interest Litigation Over Artificial Intelligence in Canada,” Canadian Intellectual Property Review (October 2019)
- “Judicial Scrutiny of Third Party Litigation Funding Agreements in Canadian Class Actions,” Canadian Class Action Review, 13:2 (November 2018)
- “Gamete Donor Anonymity in Canada: An Overview of Potential Policy Solutions,” Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues, Volume 38 (May 2017)
- “A Need To Know Basis? Canadian Federalism and the Disclosure of Egg and Sperm Donor Identity,” Health Law in Canada (May 2017)
- “Standing in the Way: Comparing Constraints on Access to Justice After the Liberalization of Public Interest Standing in Canada and Israel,” The Advocates’ Quarterly (March 2017)