Darren O'Toole
Darren O'Toole
Associate Professor

B.A. (political science, UQÀM)
M.A. (political science, UQÀM)
Ph.D. (political science, Ottawa)
J.D. (Moncton)
LL.M. (Ottawa)

57 Thomas More St. Room BRS 428
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 2124
Office: 613-562-5124


Professor O’Toole teaches Aboriginal Law, Indigenous Legal Philosophy, and Philosophy of Law. Throughout his studies in Political Science, Professor O’Toole maintained an interest in Canadian Politics, the History of Political Ideas, Political Economy, Methodology and Epistemology. A descendant of the Bois-Brûlé (Wiisakodewininiwag) of the White Horse Plains in Manitoba, who in 1870 foisted upon the nascent Dominion of Canada the first French common law jurisdiction in the British Empire, Professor O’Toole studied the common law in French at the Université de Moncton. After completing his law degree, Professor O’Toole completed a Ph.D. dissertation involving an analysis of the “discourse” of the Métis Resistance in 1869-70 that reveals republican conventions both in both speech and act.   

Professor O’Toole’s published research has focused on the land claims of his Métis ancestors that led to the Manitoba Métis Federation v. Canada and Manitoba case. His current research explores the Anishinabek legal order, for which he received Grant from University of Ottawa’s Research Development Programme in 2012-2013. His work on Indigenous law, notably in terms of relations with the land and self-determination, has led to an interest in legal anthropology and legal pluralism


Books Chapters

  • « Le droit hors-la-loi : les ordres juridiques autochtones et l'interdiction des arts performatifs au Canada central ». Actes de colloques des arts performatifs et spectaculaires des premieres nations de l' est du Canada. Jerome Dubois, dir., Paris : Harmattan, 2014.
  • From Entity to Identity to Nation: The Ethnogenesis of the Wiisakodewininiwag (Bois-Brûlés) Reconsidered. ” In The Métis in Canada, Christopher Adams, Gregg Dahl and Ian Peach (ed.). Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2013.
  • Karmis, Dimitrios et Darren O’Toole, « Vigilance, confiance et « beaux risques » sur le terrain miné des démocraties multinationales », Actes de colloque de la dynamique confiance/méfiance dans les démocraties plurinationales, 2012.

Articles :


  • CML4514/DCL5506 Théorie juridique autochtone (Ojibwe)
  • CML1105 Indigenous Legal Mechanisms
  • CML2701 Les autochtones et le droit
  • CML2301 Aboriginal Peoples and the Law
  • CML2741 Philosophie du droit
  • EAS3102 Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) I & II