Brigitte Pilon is originally from Sudbury. She moved to Ottawa in 1984 to pursue her legal studies. She has practiced in the areas of wills and estates and real estate transactions since the beginning of her legal career. Brigitte taught at the Bar Admission Course in these two areas of law for twelve years. Her interest in the field of education motivated her to run for school board trustee in 2006. She worked at the Conseil scolaire catholique du Centre-Est (CECCE) until 2018. She also helped with the creation of course materials and taught the Real Estate Transactions course at the Law Practice Program for four years. From 1995 to 2017 she administered a legal aid clinic at the Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre.
Today, she practices law with Stewart Pilon LPC. She has been the Executive Director of the Council of Canadian Law Deans (CCLD) since 2006. In 2017 she became a presiding member of the Consent and Capacity Board. She has been teaching at the Ottawa common law faculty since 2010.