Joao Velloso
Joao Velloso
Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies

Postdoctoral Studies, Law (CRDP) Université de Montréal
Ph.D., Criminology, University of Ottawa
MA, Socio-Legal Studies, UFF (Brazi

57, Louis-Pasteur St., Room 543
Work: 613-562-5800 ext. 2786


João Velloso teaches sentencing and “sanctioning”, legal research methods, criminology and socio-legal studies. He has a multidisciplinary background in law, criminology, sociology, anthropology and communication. He works in the areas of criminal law and sentencing, critical criminology and socio-legal studies, more particularly sociology and anthropology of law. His empirical research deals with the penalization of protesters and migrants (deportation and detention), access to justice in detention, and the regulation of cannabis. He is particularly interested in the governance of security through the use of administrative law and the deterioration of rights resulting from these penal configurations that operate alternatively and in addition to criminal justice.

Dr. Velloso is a member of the uOttawa Human Rights Research and Education Centre and and he participates in different Canadian and international research networks and projects, such as: Access to Law and Access to Justice (, Institute of Comparative Studies in Conflict Management (, Canadian Partnership for International Justice (, Observatory Violence, Criminalization and Democracy in Latin America (, Ottawa Hub for Reduction Network (, Observatory on Profiling (, and Prison Transparency Project (

Current Research Interests

  • Immigration and security
  • Regulation of Cannabis and Drug Policy
  • Access to Justice in Detention and Carceral Governance
  • Penalization of protesters
  • Criminology and social control
  • Sociology and anthropology of law
  • Penology and administrative punitiveness
  • Legal pluralism and legal heteroglossia


  • Sentencing Theory and Practice
    This course is about sentencing and ‘sanctioning’. It offers an introduction to the determination, justification and consequences of legal punishment. It is first designed to introduce students to the theory, law and practice of sentencing in criminal cases. It will also explore the “less prominent locations of punishment” (M. Galanter), i.e. the use of sanctions in civil and administrative law-based regimes, as well as the interactions between criminal punishment and civil and administrative sanctions (for instance in the context of plea bargaining).
    The course is taught from a socio-legal perspective and the topics may include: the historical development of modern sentencing and penal practice; the different kinds of sentences, such as fines, discharges, suspended sentences and imprisonment; mandatory minimum sentences; the kinds of sanctions available outside the criminal justice system and their use in the governance of criminal-like cases; the collateral consequences of criminal sentencing; minimal criminal law and penal abolitionism; disparity in sentencing and the role of discretion; the role of the media and the effect of public opinion on sentencing; and recommendations for sentencing reform.

*No translation available

  • Études en droit criminel: Droit et Criminologie
    Étude de la criminologie et de sa relation avec le droit:
    - Introduction aux théories criminologiques sur les causes de la criminalité et le contrôle social;
    - portée, limites et effets de la règlementation du droit pénal;
    - contributions de la criminologie à la pratique du droit pénal;
    - méthodes, sanctions et corrections fondées sur la criminologie et la pénologie;
    - formes alternatives d’administration des conflits (justice réparatrice, abolitionnisme pénal); punition dans d’autres systèmes normatifs (droit civil, droit administratif dont le droit de l’immigration);
    - enjeux contemporains en droit pénal et criminologie: profilage (social, racial, ethnique, etc.), peines minimales, emprisonnement de masse, drogues, prostitution, immigration, manifestants, etc.