Looking for writings lessons?

Top 10 Writing Lessons Learned

The "Top 10 Writing Lessons Learned" is an assignment writing students do to record and recall writing lessons they learned. Students are encouraged to be as creative as they like. Have a look around to spark your own creativity and get some writing inspiration.

What is the recipe for great legal writing? Click the links below to find out:

The Writer's Diet (PDF, 11.74 MB)

Legal Writing Recipe & Menu (PDF, 1.43 MB)

What does super legal writing look like? Read the Amazing Adventures of Legal Writing Girl to find out:

The Amazing Adventures of Legal Writing Girl (PDF, 13.37 MB)

Looking for more writings lessons? Check out these links below:

Top 10 Writing Lessons in Graphics (PDF, 10.95 MB)

Top 10 Writing Lessons Presentation (PDF, 2.01 MB)

Top 10 Writing Lessons: A Poem (PDF, 149.46 KB)

Top 10 Writing Lessons Poster (PDF, 9.3 MB)

10 Writing Lessons No Lawyer Should Be Without
