Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC) is a national network of law students, community organizations and lawyers working together to fill traditionally unmet legal needs.

What are the goals of PBSC?

For organizations and lawyers: to provide under-represented and disadvantaged communities with pro bono legal services and to give public interest organizations and agencies access to highly skilled and committed volunteers.

For law students: to encourage students to volunteer in their communities, to provide students an opportunity to put their skills into practice, and to assist law students in assessing viable career options.

Why participate in PBSC?

  • You will gain practical legal experience while working with public interest and non-profit organizations
  • You will have the opportunity to use your skills to make an important contribution to a not-for-profit organization
  • You will help provide access to justice for under-represented groups, which is an important community service
  • You will learn about career opportunities in public interest law

What kind of work can I do during my PBSC placement?

  • Client intake and interviewing
  • Contribute to advocacy work
  • Draft manuals for internal use at an organization
  • Perform public legal education, including presenting workshops and writing brochures
  • Produce policy or background papers
  • Provide legal information for clients
  • Provide litigation support to lawyers working pro bono on a particular case
  • Research legal issues relevant to an organization’s work
  • Update materials, including conducting by-law research

What must I commit to?

  • You will be matched with an organization that meets your interests and goals. You have the option to accept or decline the placement.
  • Once you have accepted a placement, you are expected to contribute 3-5 hours per week during the school year (exam periods are excluded).
  • You must also participate in training sessions and complete periodic monitoring.
  • The pro bono work of law students must be uncompensated. This means that the student receives neither monetary compensation nor academic credit for work performed as part of this program.

How do I get involved?

PBSC Volunteers - Call for Applications 2023-24

Executive Team

The Executive Team is a group of students that assist the Program Coordinators with the management of the PBSC Program. 

We are currently accepting applications for the following positions: 1L Rep, 2L Rep, and Communications Coordinator (bilingual). The deadline to apply is September 8, 2023.

Available positions:

  • Event Coordinator: The Event Coordinator organizes and executes events throughout the school year, including community-building events. 
  • Communications and Marketing Coordinator: The Communications and Marketing Coordinator manages advertising and
    promoting the PBSC chapter and its events. This Coordinator must be bilingual and be familiar with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 
  • 1L Representative: The 1L Representative acts as a liaison between first-year students and PBSC. 
  • 2L Representative: The 2L Representative acts as a liaison between second-year students and PBSC. 
  • 3L Representative: The 3L Representative acts as a liaison between third-year students and PBSC. 
Hand marking an important date on a calendar

What are this year's PBSC important dates?

See Important Dates

What is the Chief Justice Richard Wagner Award?

The Chief Justice Richard Wagner Award was introduced in 2019 to recognize those select PBSC volunteers (at the University of Ottawa) who demonstrated the strongest commitment to ending Canada’s access to justice crisis. 

The award was named after The Right Honourable Richard Wagner, P.C., Chief Justice of Canada as he is a strong advocate for access to justice. At the 2018 PBSC Launch Event, the Chief Justice stated: "Ultimately, [access to justice] is about getting good justice for everyone, not exceptional justice for a lucky few. It’s a democratic issue, it’s a human right issue, it’s even an economic issue."

Students, organization supervisors, and lawyer supervisors are all invited to participate in the nomination process. 

Past Recipients

Nicholas Cheung

Nicholas Cheung

RCMP Veterans Association / L'Association des vétérans de la GRC

Picture of the winning cup

Sarah Melnyk


Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre: Custody Rights & ODSP Project / Centre Amethyst pour femmes toxicomanes: Project sur les droits de garde et le POSPH

Picture of the winning cup

Paige Mihelchic


REACH Legal Referral Services Client Intake Initiative / Initiative d'accueil des clients des services de référence juridique REACH

Picture of the winning cup

David Westcott

The Legal Clinic's Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Project / Projet sur le harcèlement sexuel en milieu de travail de la clinique juridique

winning cup

Tiffany Wong

Reach Canada / Atteindre le Canada

winning cup

Nadine Tawdy

Ticket Defence Program / Programme de contestation des contraventions