PBSC Coordinators have exciting opportunities to be part of a national access to justice organization while supporting local access to justice initiatives.

PBSC Program Coordinators and On-Site Supervisor

Raymarck Unera

Raymarck Unera - Program Coordinator

Raymarck (He/Him) is a passionate advocate for community involvement and equitable access to justice, with roots in his involvement with the Rotary Club since a young age. Currently in his third year of the English Common Law program at the University of Ottawa, Raymarck is eager to leverage his experience and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to PBSC and local organizations. He believes that access to justice and legal information significantly impacts people's social determinants of health, which is why he is thrilled to emphasize the importance of access to justice work not just in the legal field, but also in promoting overall well-being. In his spare time, he enjoys exploring various dance styles, including Kpop, Bachata, and Salsa, as well as immersing himself in the world of musical theatre.

Megan Abel

Megan Abel - Program Coordinator

Megan (She/Her) is an incoming 3L English Common Law student and she initially decided to pursue law in hopes of catalyzing structural reforms towards more equitable outcomes, particularly in health equity and environmental justice spheres. Megan has come to appreciate just how fundamentally the law shapes and touches every aspect of our lives and communities. Megan is passionate about public interest lawyering that seeks to meet the traditionally neglected legal needs of under-represented and dispossessed groups. Megan admires PBSC’s emphasis on impact, over intentions, and she am excited to engage in this meaningful work with students and organizations.

Anna Jeffery

Anna Jeffery - On-site supervisor

Anna is a Professional Development Counsellor at the University of Ottawa - Faculty of Law.