Option in Social Justice (JD)
About the option

Should you have any questions about the Option please contact one of the Social Justice Option Coordinators, Professor David Wiseman or Professor Suzanne Bouclin.
*N.B. You must be enroled in the JD program in order to qualify.
Any enroled JD student may take a course listed as a Social Justice Option course. However, JD students who wish to receive formal recognition for having completed the Social Justice Option, which consists of a notation on their transcript, must complete the following requirements:
a.) complete a compulsory course (3 units); and
b.) complete optional courses (15 units) chosen from among courses in either the English Common Law Section or the French Common Law Section (for a list, see below); and
c.) complete a major paper in an approved Social Justice course or an approved Social Justice directed research course. If completed as part of an approved Social Justice course, the paper must be worth at least 50% of the final grade for the course. A major paper completed through a Directed Research course must be on a topic approved by a Co-ordinator of the Social Justice Option, and be assigned the code CML 3251 (4 units) or CML 3351 (3 units).
d.) obtain a minimum overall average of 6.0 in the Social Justice Option courses.
As well, students may choose to participate in a moot or clinical course in an area related to social justice. The following is a list of moot competitions in the area of social justice:
CML3125 National Aboriginal Law Moot: Kawaskihom "Speaking With Knowledge"
CML3120 Moot Court Competition: Jean-Pictet Competition
CML3120 Tribunal-école interfacultés : Concours Jean-Pictet
CML3120 Moot Court Competition: Wilson Competition
CML3120 Tribunal-école intefacultés : Concours René Cassin
CML3120 Moot Court Competition: Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court Competition
CML3120 Mathews, Dinsdale & Clarke Labour Arbitration Competition
CML3122 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
What do I do if a course I have taken/want to take is not listed?
Ask the instructor of the course to contact a co-ordinator of the Social Justice Option. The co-ordinator will review the course syllabus and decide if the course meets the criteria for a social justice course. The criteria are the following:
Social justice courses critically examine law’s implication in constructing and maintaining historic and current social, political and economic inequalities, and law’s potential and limitations as an instrument of redistributive and egalitarian social, economic and political change. Courses that qualify for the Social Justice Option include those whose theoretical or doctrinal focus is on systemic discrimination against women, poor persons, immigrants, refugees, racialized and aboriginal persons, persons living with physical or mental disabilities, sexual, religious or linguistic minorities, the young or the elderly, and includes courses focussed on constitutional equality and social justice claims, domestic and international human rights or civil liberties. Courses in the Social Justice Option also include those on redistributive regulatory schemes like labour and income security law and those courses whose content equips students for the practice of law in the delivery of social justice such as clinical legal aid and Charter application courses.
Compulsory course (3 units)
CML 3112 Theory and Practice of Social Justice Law
CML 3512 Théorie et pratique en droit et justice sociale
Optional courses (students must choose courses totalling 15 units)
Note: Not all courses listed below are offered each academic year and some newer courses may not be listed. The full course description is available in the Course search engine.
Courses offered in the English Program
Aboriginal Law
CML 2301 - Indigenous Peoples and the Law
CML 3162 - Studies in Aboriginal Law
CML 3251 - Legal Research and Writing: Independent Study with the Assembly of Metis First Nations or the National Council
CML 3374 - Law and Society: Indigenous Women: Advocacy and Law
CML 4162 - Advanced Aboriginal Law (various courses offered under this general course code)
CML 4200 - Aboriginal Law: Anti-Colonial Law, Resistance and Nation Building
CML 4163 - Comparative Indigenous Rights
Family Law
CML 3353 - Children and the Law
CML 3363 - Advanced Family Law
CML 4114 - Social Justice & the Documentary Film
Human Rights
CML 1105 - Social justice and Disability Rights Law
CML 3181 Sexuality, Gender and the Law
CML 3343 - Poverty and the Law
CML 3365 - Civil Liberties
CML 3393 - Lesbian and Gay Issues
CML 3374 - Law and Society: Race, Racism, and the Law
CML 3374 - Law and Society: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and the Law
CML 3374 - Law and Society: Access to Health Care
CML 3374- Law and Society: Animals and the Law
CML 3398 - Human Rights Law in Canada
CML 3399 - Human Rights: International Protection
CML 4109 - Studies in Human Rights: Information Privacy Law and Technology
CML 4109 - Studies in Human Rights: Advanced Refugee Law
CML 4111 - Studies in Human Rights Law: Advanced Refugee Law
International Law
CML 3135 - International Law and Developing Countries
CML 3228 - Comparative Constitutional Law: Comparative Justice Models: Canadian and South African Constitutional Paths to Equality
CML 3351 - Directed Research Projects for environmental, human rights, and social justice non-governmental organizations
CML 4108 - Studies in International Law: Law and Developing Countries
CML 4108 - Studies in International Law: International Environmental Law
CML 4108 - Studies in International Law: International Criminal Law
CML 4108 - Studies in International Law - National Security Law
CML 4108 - Studies in International Law: A Social Justice Critique of International Trade
CML 4132 - International Humanitarian Law : Contemporary Challenges
CML 4112 - Interdisciplinary Studies in Law: Globalization
CML 4114 - International Law of Minority Protection
CML 4200 - Law and Current Problems in Global Poverty and Public Policy
Legal Theory
CML 3241 - Jurisprudence
CML 3351 - Legal Research and Writing: Independent Study in Consumer Protection and / or Regulatory Law with the Public Interest Advocacy Centre
CML 3351 - Directed Research Projects for environmental, human rights, and social justice non-governmental organizations
CML 4110 - Studies in Legal Theory: Critical Race
CML 3319 - Advanced Legal Research Methodology
CML 4200 - Critical Race Theory
CML 3227 - Legal History
Public Law
CML 2315 - Advanced Constitutional Law and Equality Rights
CML 3233 - Labour law I
CML 3234 - Labour Law II
CML 3373 - Labour Law III
CML 3351 - Legal Research and Writing: Independent Study in Consumer Protection and/or Regulatory Law with the Public Interest Advocacy Centre
CML 3351 - Department of Justice Internships
CML 3351 - Internship Position: Research Assistant, Humanitarian Issues Program, Canadian Red Cross Society
CML 3375 - Medical Legal Problems
CML 3397 - Immigration Law
CML 3509 Introduction au droit de la santé
CML 4101 - Studies in Constitutional Law: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
CML 4104 - Studies in Public Law: Water Law
CML 1105 - Global Intellectual Property & Social Justice
CML 3316 - AA / BA Technology Law Internship: Technology Law Clinic
CML 3316 - AB / BB Technology Law Internship: Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic
CML 3316 - AC / BC Technology Law Internship: University of Ottawa Law and Technology Law Journal and Symposium
CML 3395 - Regulation of Internet Commerce
CML 4114 - Building Better Humans? Legal and Ethical Issues at the Human Machine Merger
Women and the Law
CML 3374 - Law & Society: Women, Health and Law
CML 3374 - Law & Society: Cyberfeminism
CML 3374 - Law & Society: Selected Issues in Feminist Law
CML 3374 - Law & Society: Women and the Legal Profession
CML 3374 - Law and Society: Defending Battered Women on Trial
CML 3380 - Women and the Law
CML 4109 - African Women’s Law & Politics
CML 4111 - Studies in Criminal Law: Sexual Assault Law
Clinical courses
CML 3248 - Introductory Legal Aid Clinic Course
CML 3351 / DCL 7033 - Law and Social Change: Clinical Seminar
CML 3449 - Clinial Legal Aid II
CML 3450 - Clinical Legal Aid
Dispute Resolution
CML2321 - Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes
January Term Intensive Courses
Aboriginal Law
CML 4200 - Selected Topics - Intensive Study of a Selected Legal Issue with follow-up Research Project: Aboriginal Business Law
CML 4200 - Aboriginal Law: Anti-Colonial Law, Resistance and Nation Building
Environmental Law
CML 4114 - Intensive Study of a Legal Issue: Natural Resources Law
Family Law
CML 3363 - Advanced Family Law
Human Rights
CML 4109 - Studies in Human Rights: Transitional Justice
Legal Theory
CML 4200 - Critical Race Theory
CML 3316 - Technology Law Internship
CML 3316 - Technology Law Internship: Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic
CML 4114 - Intensive Study of a Legal Issue: Techno-Rico: A Global Seminar on Technology Law
Women and the Law
CML 3374 - Femna-Rico: Feminist Legal Issues
Courses offered in the French program
Aboriginal Law
CML 2701 - Les autochtones et le droit
CML 3251 - Recherche et rédaction juridiques : Étude indépendante auprès de l’Assemblée des premières nations ou du ralliement national des métis
Clinical courses
CML 3251 - Recherche et rédaction juridiques : Travail dans une clinique juridique locale
CML 3394 - Travail dans une clinique juridique locale
CML 3648 - Clinique juridique I: Introduction (6 crédits - septembre à avril)
CML 3716 - Stage en droit et technologie: Clinique juridique
CML 3849 - Clinique pratique d’aide juridique II
CML 3850 - Clinique pratique d’aide juridique III
Droit criminel
CML 4511 - Études en droit criminel: Droit pénal international
Droits de la personne
CML 3351 - AI/BI Projets de recherche d’intérêt public en droit de l’environnement, en droit de la personne et en justice sociale pour des organisations non gouvernementales
CML 3765 - Libertés publiques
CML 3797 - Droit de l’immigration
CML 4509 - Études en matière des droits de la personne : Protection internationale des droits de la personne
International Law
CML 3351 - AA/BA Annuaire canadien de droit international
CML 3351 - Conseil canadien de droit international
CML 4508 - Études en droit international : droit international de l’environnement
CML 4508 - Études en droit international : droit international appliqué
CML 4509 - Études en matière des droits de la personne : Protection internationale des droits de la personne 3
CML 4511 - Études en droit criminel: Droit pénal international
DCL 5730 - Aspects internationaux des droits de la personne
DCL 4543 - Thèmes choisis en droit international II: droit international des droits économiques et sociaux de la personne
Public Law
CML 2715 - Droit constitutionnel approfondi : Les droits a l’égalité
CML 3533 - Droit du travail I
CML 3534 - Droit du travail II
CML 3787 - Droit de l’emploi
CML 4501 - Études en droit constitutionnel : droits linguistiques
CML 4501 - Études en droit constitutionnel : litige constitutionnel
Environmental Law
CML 3351 - AI/BI Projets de recherche d’intérêt public en droit de l’environnement, en droit de la personne et en justice sociale pour des organisations non gouvernementales
CML 4508 - Études en droit international : droit international de l’environnement
Family Law
CML 2805 - Droit de la famille
Women and the Law
CML 3780 - Les femmes et le droit 3
CML 3716 - Stage en droit et technologie: Clinique juridique
Legal Theory
CML 3714 - Le droit: contexte sociologique
DCL 5737 - Théories critiques du droit
Important: You must be currently registered in the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law JD program in order to register for the Social Justice Option.
Do I register for the Social Justice Option before I have completed all the requirements?
No. There is no special procedure to register for the Social Justice Option during the regular annual admission process. Once they have completed their first year of legal studies, law students may take the compulsory and optional courses required to satisfy the requirements of the Social Justice Option, including a Major Paper in an approved course. Once the requirements have been met, students should follow the procedure below.
Registering for the Dispute Resolution & Professionalism Option once you have completed the requirements
- JD students who wish to receive formal recognition of the Social Justice Option must complete 18 units in the field of Social Justice. (See requirements).
- Once the required units have been achieved, students should obtain the registration form.
- Students must complete the form to identify which qualifying courses they have completed and to identify their Major Paper.
- The form must then be signed by the Social Justice Option Coordinator, and returned to the Common Law Student Centre for processing.
Major Paper Registration for Students Pursuing the Social Justice Option
1. Students pursuing the Social Justice Option must complete a major paper in either a concentration option course listed in the requirements (the paper must be at least 50% of the final mark) or in a Directed Research course approved by a Social Justice Option Coordinator under course code CML 3251 (4 units) or CML 3351 (3 units).
2. The deadlines to register a major paper are available on the Important Dates page.
3. Obtain and complete the Major Paper Registration form. The form must also be signed by the professor teaching the course in which the student wishes to complete the major paper. This form can also be obtained online from the Forms section.