HRREC Student Member Gloria Song Helped the Law Society of Nunavut in Obtaining a Grant

By Graduate Studies

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Civil Law Section
Faculty of Law - Civil Law Section
HRREC Student Member Gloria Song Helped the Law Society of Nunavut in Obtaining a Grant

As part of her work for the Law Society of Nunavut, Gloria Song, HRREC student member, helped the Law Society of Nunavut win a Law Foundation of Ontario grant in the amount of $256,475, in partnership with Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada.

The research study is to examine access to justice issues for Inuit survivors of family violence in Nunavut and develop a corresponding public legal education campaign to raise awareness about the legal options available for those survivors. This research will be related to Gloria’s doctoral research on how those issues intersect with the housing shortage in Canada's Arctic.