
Katherine Lippel Fund for Graduate Studies in Law

A $5,000 graduate scholarship in honour of Professor Katherine Lippel for a student whose research focuses on advocating the rights of marginalized people.
This fund honours her invaluable commitment to students, to continue her supportive efforts.

Purpose of Fund

To award writing grants to master’s or doctoral students in the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law whose research focuses on advocacy for the rights of the marginalized, who require financial assistance to dedicate themselves full time to writing their research paper or thesis and complete their studies.

Value of award: $5,000
Number of awards: 1
Frequency of the award: Annual
Application contact: Financial Aid and Awards Service
Application deadline: February 28

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet these criteria:

  • be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, a person with protected or refugee status, or an international student;

  • be enrolled as a full-time student in a graduate program at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law;

  • be experiencing financial difficulties; 

  • have advanced sufficiently in writing their research paper or thesis on the rights of the marginalized or a related topic.

 Application Procedure

Applications must be made through Online Scholarships and Bursaries, which can be accessed through the uoZone portal, and must include:

  • a letter (max. 500 words) describing the applicant’s financial difficulties;
  • a letter (max. 500 words) describing the applicant’s research; 
  • a letter from the thesis supervisor confirming progress in the applicant’s research and the ways the applicant would benefit from the financial support at this stage.