Alemshet Addisalem
Amélie Turci
Doctoral student
Faculty of Law
University of Ottawa
Contact: LinkedIn


Amélie Turci is pursuing a PhD in Digital Law, supervised by the Full Professors Céline Castets-Renard (uOttawa) and Brunessen Bertrand (Université de Rennes).

Her research focuses on the legal framework governing the use of artificial intelligence by law enforcement agencies, both in France and North America. Amélie refers to these as policing technologies, which include tools used by the police such as facial recognition, ALPR, videosurveillance, drones, and big data analysis.

Her primary areas of interest encompass the temporality of the emergence of law, the transition of policing techniques towards predictive models, and the reevaluation of the concept of privacy.

Amélie holds a Bachelor's degree in Law and Philosophy, as well as a Master's degree in Digital Law from the University Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris. She began her thesis in September 2022 in Rennes, and then spent a year in 2023-2024 at uOttawa. She has taught classes in administrative law and criminal law.

C. Castets-Renard et A. Turci, « « Caméras augmentées » : un danger pour les libertés lors des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques (et au-delà) ? » (Augmented cameras: a threat for liberties during the Olympic and Paralympic Games?), Recueil Dalloz, 2023, n°22, p.1138 (hal: halshs-04126346).


  • C. Castets-Renard et A. Turci, « « Caméras augmentées » : un danger pour les libertés lors des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques (et au-delà) ? », Recueil Dalloz, 2023, n°22, p.1138 (hal : halshs-04126346)