Simon Klee
Simon Klee
Doctoral student

Faculty of Law
University of Ottawa
Contact: LinkedIn


Simon Klee graduated in 2020 with an LL.M. from the University of Ottawa and a Master degree from Aix-Marseille Université (France), specializing in public international law. Since 2021, he has been a Ph.D. student in an international co-tutelle program at the Universities of Ottawa and Aix-Marseille, under the supervision of Professors Craig Forcese and Rostane Mehdi.

His research focuses on how intelligence-gathering activities conducted by states are influenced, limited, or framed by international law. As part of his work on the "points of contact" between intelligence and international law, he is particularly interested in cyberespionage, the protection of fundamental rights against intelligence collection through European supranational jurisprudence, and the legal framework governing intelligence-sharing between states.

Additionally, between 2020 and 2022, he worked as a parliamentary assistant to a French Member of Parliament and as a teaching assistant at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia (France).


  • 2024 :  Intervention sur la thématique « Intelligence before the CJEU and the ECHR : a western european perspective on how regional international law can regulate intelligence activities » lors du colloque « Surveillance Futures : Datafied societies, social sorting, and human flourishing » organisé à la Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario)  
  • 2024 : C. Forcese et S. Klee, "Trip Wires and Thresholds: Intelligence Collection and the Jus Ad Bellum", chapitre de l'ouvrage "Research Handbook on Intelligence and International Law" (Edward Elgar Publishing)  
  • 2023 : C. Forcese et S. Klee, “A Targeted Killing in Canada? What Does International Law Say About the Current Dispute between Canada and India?”, Yale Journal of International Law  
  • 2022 : Intervention sur la thématique "Une puissance d'équilibre peut-elle dissimuler ses intentions ?" lors du colloque "Le renouveau de l'approche indirecte" organisé à l'occasion des 30 ans du COS (Commandement des opérations spéciales) à l'Hôtel des Invalides (Paris, France)