Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu
Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu
Doctoral student

Faculty of Law
University of Ottawa
Contact: LinkedIn


Tuğba Başaran Akmazoğlu’s research delves into the legal and ethical governance of emerging technologies, with a particular emphasis on AI-enabled brain-computer interface (BCI)-controlled prostheses and the evolving boundaries of the human body as they integrate with progressively advanced smart prostheses. 

Her doctoral research project supervised by Pr. Jennifer Chandler centers on the co-constitution of humans and technology, exploring the individual construction of self and systematizing law's conceptualization and ontology creation processes. The project aims to anticipate the future modus operandi of law in the context of liminal spaces comprising human-technology symbioses, based on law’s past practices. 

Her research interests encompass AI ethics and governance of AI, data protection, privacy, cybersecurity, algorithmic surveillance, and algorithmic decision-making systems under the fundamental/human rights frameworks.   

Tuğba Başaran Akmazoğlu is also a contributing member of the Hybrid Minds research project team, a German-Swiss-Canadian collaboration funded through the ERA-Net NEURON program. The project aims to establish a unified theoretical approach to the ethical-legal assessment of intelligent neuroprostheses. This approach is informed by the experiences and perspectives of users and by dialogue with the neuroengineering community and other key stakeholders.   

Tuğba Başaran Akmazoğlu holds a law degree from Ankara University Law School. For several years, she worked as an attorney-at-law at leading law firms providing litigation and consultancy services in the fields of corporate and commercial law. 

She received her LL.M. degree with a specialization in European Union Law from KU Leuven as a recipient of the Jean Monnet Fellowship of the European Commission. She also holds a double degree LL.M from the University of Oslo and Leibniz University of Hanover within the framework of the European Legal Informatics Study Program (EULISP) in IT Law (Magna Cum Laude). 

She wrote her master’s theses on tying agreements in EU competition law, and the regulation of civil law liability of autonomous service robots, respectively.


  • David Haslacher, Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu, Amanda van Beinum, Georg Starke, Maria Buthut, Surjo R. Soekadar, “AI for brain-computer interfaces” in Marcello Ienca and Georg Starke, eds, Brains and Machines: Towards a Unified Ethics of AI and Neuroscience in Elsevier Book Series Developments in Neuroethics and Bioethics, Vol 7 (Elsevier Academic Press, 2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.dnb.2024.02.003.
  • Georg Starke, Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu, Annalisa Colucci, Mareike Vermehren, Amanda van Beinum, Maria Buthut, Surjo Soekadar, Christoph Bublitz, Jennifer Chandler, Marcello Ienca, "Qualitative studies involving users of clinical neurotechnology: a scoping review" (2024) 25 BMC Med Ethics 89 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-024-01087-z
  • Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu, “Incorporating Translation and Interpretation Ethics into Speech BCIs” [submitted] Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies
  • Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu, “A Critical Legal Geography Approach to Discriminatory Predictive Policing: From Crime Mapping to Algorithmic Red Lining” [submitted] UBC Law Review
  • Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu & Jennifer A Chandler, “Mapping the Emerging Legal Landscape for Neuroprostheses: Human Interests and Legal Resources”, in Martin Hevia, ed, Regulating Neuroscience: Translational Legal Challenges, in Elsevier Book Series Developments in Neuroethics and Bioethics, Vol 4 (Elsevier Academic Press, 2021)
  • Tugba Basaran Akmazoglu & Jennifer A Chandler, “Is the Law Ready for Emerging Neuroprostheses?” The Neuroethics Blog (2021) online: http://www.theneuroethicsblog.com/2021/06/is-law-ready-for-emerging.html
  • ITC Commonwealth Secretariat, İşletmeler için Dünya Ticaret Sistemi Rehberi, (Basaran T, trans), (IKV Publications, 2002) (Original work published in 1999)
  • Tugba Basaran, Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’de Fikri ve Sınai Mülkiyet Hakları, No:161 (IKV Publications, 2000)
  • IKV, Türkiye'nin Tüketici Koruması Mevzuatının Avrupa Birliği ile Uyumlaştırılması, (Basaran T, trans) No:155, (IKV Publications, 1999)


  • Basaran Akmazoglu, T. (2023, October 2-3). From Persons and Things to the Symbiosis of Persons and Smart Things: Anticipating the Legal Conceptualization of BCI-controlled Prostheses. [Workshop Presentation]. Blurring the Boundaries of Persons & (Bio)Technologies: Legal, Ethical & Social Implications. Wales, UK
  • Basaran Akmazoglu, T. (2022, November 1-4). Heeding BCI Users’ Needs and Preferences in Regulatory Decision-Making: Where Do We stand? What Next? [Poster Presentation]. International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada
  • Basaran Akmazoglu, T. & Chandler, J.A. (2022, September 14-16). Embedding Translation and Interpretation Ethics into Speech Neuroprostheses [Poster Presentation]. We Robot Conference 2022. University of Washington, Seattle, USA
  • Chandler, J.A. & Basaran Akmazoglu, T. (2021, December 21). The Legal Landscape for Neuroprostheses: A Map of Human Interests and Legal Resources [Virtual Conference Presentation]. Neurotechnology, Criminal Law and Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. University of Sydney Law School, Sydney, Australia

Scholarships and Bursaries

  • 2021 -2022 University of Ottawa Graduate Special Merit Scholarship
  • 2020 Audrey J. Boyce Graduate Law Scholarship
  • 2020-2024 (for various periods of time) Soft Funded Research Bursary, Prof. Jennifer Chandler, University of Ottawa
  • 2000 European Commission Jean Monnet Fellowship