Overview of the important information for doctoral students in law (Ph.D).
Academic Matters
Program Requirements
PhD Thesis
- uoZone
- Brightspace
- Registration Guide - Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
- Enrolment support
- Registration in a Second Language Course (ESL and FLS)

Forms and Service requests
Service requests
- Registration form (PDF, 0.98 MB)
- Modification / Cancellation of registration (PDF, 127 KB)
- Course Attendance Form (PDF, 32 KB) (which must accompany your registration form, is used to identify courses that differ from the normal or minimum requirements of your program)
- Letter of permission
- Request for an exception to the 10-hour rule (PDF, 582 KB)
- Request for a deferred mark (PDF, 519 KB)
Directed Research forms
- Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Form
- Comprehensive Exam Written Evaluation (PDF, 47 KB)
- Comprehensive Exam Oral Examination (PDF, 27 KB)
- Thesis Proposal Evaluation (PDF, 31 KB)
- List of examiners for the evaluation of the thesis (PDF, 273 KB)
Leave of absence
- Request for leave of absence (PDF, 783 KB)
- Annual research progress report (PDF, 1.42 MB)
- Plan of study (PDF, 25 KB)
Extensions of the time limit

Grading and regulations
- The passing grade in all courses is C+. Students who fail two courses (equivalent to 6 credits), or the research proposal, or the thesis proposal, or whose research progress is deemed unsatisfactory, must withdraw from the program.
- Grading scale
- Revision of grades and appeal
- Requesting an accommodation (PDF, 210 KB)