Live Federal Court of Canada Hearing on uOttawa Campus

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Common Law Section

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Live Federal Court of Canada Hearing on uOttawa Campus
On November 19th and 21st, 2019, Faculty of Law students had the opportunity to sit in on two federal immigration court hearings. Both hearings were held in the Ian G. Scott courtroom. Students, guest lecturer Laila Demirdache, LLB 1997 and LLL 1998, and professors watched the proceedings behind the soundproof glass wall in the adjoining classroom.

Judge Gagné, accompanied by both counsels, participated to the workshop following the proceedings and generously answered questions and shared their expertise and professional experiences with everyone in attendance.

Prof. Yves Le Bouthillier, LLB 1984, and Prof. Jaime Liew have been organizing these hearings on campus for some years now and every time, students and experts in attendance are impressed by the wealth of information learned while watching a real-life federal court hearing.

When asked what struck her the most about the hearing, Alexandra Levine, 2L Common Law Student in attendance, stated that “It was very informative to see what evidence was presented by the applicant’s counsel and what cases the Crown relied on, as well as how matters of procedural fairness were addressed.” She went on to mention how relevant it was for her to attend “considering [she] works for the Integrated Legal Services of Ottawa in the Immigration Division and has had the privilege to attend immigration and refugee board hearings for determining refugee status”.

Andrew Koltun, 2L Common Law, was very grateful to Judge Gagné for her candor and for being so forthcoming, especially given the fact that the answers covered both immigration law and how federal courts actually work.

The Ian G. Scott Courtroom is a fully functional courtroom where judges hear regular cases as law students observe and comment behind a soundproof glass wall in the adjoining classroom. No other law faculty can say they offer this experience. For rental enquiry, please contact [email protected].