Professor Samuel Singer wins award for paper exploring trans people’s fight for legal recognition

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Awards and recognition
Professor Samuel Singer wins award for paper exploring trans people’s fight for legal recognition

Professor Samuel Singer has been awarded the Canadian Law and Society Association (CLSA) Article Prize for his paper "Trans Rights Are Not Just Human Rights: Legal Strategies for Trans Justice”, which argues that current human rights laws are not sufficient to address legal challenges facing trans people.

Professor Singer’s article explores Canadian trans case law beyond traditional human rights law to uncover instances in which trans people’s fight for legal recognition and redress occur outside of the human rights arena. The Prize Committee commended the research for being “important, timely, and contribut[ing] not just to the scholarship on issues affecting trans people, but also to the body of literature on legal and extra-legal strategies for social change more broadly.

The CLSA Article Prize is awarded each year to the best article published in the Canadian Journal of Law & Society.

Click here to read Professor Singer’s article, “Trans Rights Are Not Just Human Rights: Legal Strategies for Trans Justice” (via Cambridge University Press).

Congratulations to Professor Singer!