Au-delà du contexte spécial de la pandémie de Covid-19, qui a obligé de nombreuses organisations à adopter le télétravail, il est prévu que cette pratique continuera à se développer dans l’avenir.
Au-delà du contexte spécial de la pandémie de Covid-19, qui a obligé de nombreuses organisations à adopter le télétravail, il est prévu que cette pratique continuera à se développer dans l’avenir.
Chaque année, la Section de droit civil de l’Université d’Ottawa décerne une reconnaissance honorifique de l’Ordre du mérite à ses diplômées et diplômés qui se démarquent de façon extraordinaire dans leurs secteurs respectifs du droit.
Chaque année, la Section de droit civil de l’Université d’Ottawa décerne une reconnaissance honorifique de l’Ordre du mérite à ses diplômées et diplômés qui se démarquent de façon extraordinaire dans leurs secteurs respectifs du droit.
Immigration and citizenship law is a complex area of legal study. For her efforts to demystify this field of law, while amplifying the voices of the most vulnerable communities, Common Law’s Professor Delphine Nakache has received a University of Ottawa research award.
Immigration and citizenship law is a complex area of legal study. For her efforts to demystify this field of law, while amplifying the voices of the most vulnerable communities, Common Law’s Professor Delphine Nakache has received a University of Ottawa research award.
In 2018, Professor François Larocque was awarded the first Canadian Francophonie Research Chair in Language Rights, a meaningful example of the University of Ottawa’s commitment to its status as a bilingual institution, and a fitting recognition of Professor Larocque’s proven leadership in this field. The University has now renewed Professor Larocque’s mandate as chairholder for a further 5 years.
In 2018, Professor François Larocque was awarded the first Canadian Francophonie Research Chair in Language Rights, a meaningful example of the University of Ottawa’s commitment to its status as a bilingual institution, and a fitting recognition of Professor Larocque’s proven leadership in this fiel...
La Faculté de droit civil de l'Université d'Ottawa a offert aux étudiants un cours d’été au Chili, intitulé « Les ordres juridico-politiques en Amérique latine et leurs relations avec le Canada », qui s’est déroulé du 24 juillet au 4 août.
La Faculté de droit civil de l'Université d'Ottawa a offert aux étudiants un cours d’été au Chili, intitulé « Les ordres juridico-politiques en Amérique latine et leurs relations avec le Canada », qui s’est déroulé du 24 juillet au 4 août.
Should we ban imports of clothing made in sweatshop factories? Can governments impose a tax on imported products for the environmental damage caused during their production? While free trade rules once stood in the way of such questions, one researcher at the Faculty of Law is studying a new way forward.
Should we ban imports of clothing made in sweatshop factories? Can governments impose a tax on imported products for the environmental damage caused during their production? While free trade rules once stood in the way of such questions, one researcher at the Faculty of Law is studying a new way for...
The Ottawa Law Review is now accepting English- and French-language submissions for publication in its next issue. The submission deadline is September 12, 2023.
The Ottawa Law Review is now accepting English- and French-language submissions for publication in its next issue. The submission deadline is September 12, 2023.
In June 2023, the United Nations adopted the High Seas Treaty, an historic agreement designed to protect the biodiversity of the ocean, prevent environmental degradation and contribute to slowing the effects of climate change
In June 2023, the United Nations adopted the High Seas Treaty, an historic agreement designed to protect the biodiversity of the ocean, prevent environmental degradation and contribute to slowing the effects of climate change