Il y a de ces personnes qui font leur marque sur les établissements où elles sont de passage. Sarah Ali, lauréate de la Bourse pour l’implication et la réussite Cain Lamarre 2020, en fait partie.
Il y a de ces personnes qui font leur marque sur les établissements où elles sont de passage. Sarah Ali, lauréate de la Bourse pour l’implication et la réussite Cain Lamarre 2020, en fait partie.
As the federal government responded to the COVID-19 crisis in March of 2020, certain failures in the treatment of Canada’s official languages became evident. For example, to ease importation from the United States, hundreds of disinfectant products were allowed to pass into Canada with labelling exclusively in English. The government, fortunately, revised its approach, but a pressing question rem...
As the federal government responded to the COVID-19 crisis in March of 2020, certain failures in the treatment of Canada’s official languages became evident. For example, to ease importation from the United States, hundreds of disinfectant products were allowed to pass into Canada with labelling ex...
Un poste de professeure ou de professeur menant à la permanence sur les enjeux juridiques autochtonesUn poste de professeure ou de professeur menant à la permanence en droit du travail et justice socialePoste de professeure ou de professeur menant à la permanence sur les enjeux juridiques autochtonesLa Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Ottaw...
Un poste de professeure ou de professeur menant à la permanence sur les enjeux juridiques autochtonesUn poste de professeure ou de professeur menant à la permanence en droit du travail et justice socialePoste de professeure ou de professeur men...
Agata Zwolankiewicz just completed her L.LM. in International Trade and Investment in July 2020. She has certainly made the most out of her short time at the school.
Agata Zwolankiewicz just completed her L.LM. in International Trade and Investment in July 2020. She has certainly made the most out of her short time at the school.
Le 3 septembre 2020, c’est une Rentrée solennelle des cours sans précédent qui s’est tenue pour accueillir la nouvelle cohorte d’étudiantes et d’étudiants à la Faculté de droit, Section de droit civil de l’Université d’Ottawa. Pour la première fois, les mots de bienvenue et d’encouragement habituellement prononcés devant public au FTX 147 ont plutôt résonné dans les foyers de l’assistance. Retour ...
Le 3 septembre 2020, c’est une Rentrée solennelle des cours sans précédent qui s’est tenue pour accueillir la nouvelle cohorte d’étudiantes et d’étudiants à la Faculté de droit, Section de droit civil de l’Université d’Ottawa. Pour la première fois, les mots de bienvenue et d’encouragement habituell...
Professor Denis Boivin is proud to announce the publication of the second edition of his book, Le droit des assurances dans les provinces de common law. The first edition was published in 2006. Professor Boivin wrote this French book with the goal of making insurance law accessible to Francophones and Francophiles based in Common Law provinces (al...
Professor Denis Boivin is proud to announce the publication of the second edition of his book, Le droit des assurances dans les provinces de common law. The first edition was published in 2006. Professor Boivin wrote this French book with the goal o...
What a Formidable team!
Four second year Common Law students, Taylor Bain, Meredith Ball, Diane Hwang and Ritesh Kotak, are the FORMidable Solutions team.
What a Formidable team!
Four second year Common Law students, Taylor Bain, Meredith Ball, Diane Hwang and Ritesh Kotak, are the FORMidable Solutions team.
With the changes this Fall brings, we will also be changing the programming of our Common Law Homecoming 2020 celebrations by going virtual in conjunction with uOttawa’s Homecoming events.
With the changes this Fall brings, we will also be changing the programming of our Common Law Homecoming 2020 celebrations by going virtual in conjunction with uOttawa’s Homecoming events.
Common Law’s Professor Vern Krishna has been selected for inclusion in the 15th Edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada, recognizing his work in appellate practice, tax law, and trusts and estates.
The Best Lawyers in Canada is a peer-reviewed publication that recognizes top lawyers working in a wide variety of fields across the country.&...
Common Law’s Professor Vern Krishna has been selected for inclusion in the 15th Edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada, recognizing his work in appellate practice, tax law, and trusts and estates.
The Best Lawyers in Canada is a peer-revie...
The Supreme Court of Canada will be hearing the Carbon Pricing References from the Court of Appeals for Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Alberta on September 23-24, 2020 concerning the constitutionality of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA).
The Supreme Court of Canada will be hearing the Carbon Pricing References from the Court of Appeals for Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Alberta on September 23-24, 2020 concerning the constitutionality of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA).