A new mother becomes obsessed with uncovering the mystery of her own mother’s disappearance. In a quest for answers, she journeys from a small British Columbia mining town to Southeast Asia, following in her mother’s footsteps, all the while reexamining her sense of belonging. This is the story of Lily, the protagonist in Professor Jamie Liew’s debut n...
A new mother becomes obsessed with uncovering the mystery of her own mother’s disappearance. In a quest for answers, she journeys from a small British Columbia mining town to Southeast Asia, following in her mother’s footsteps, all the while reexamining ...
A new mother becomes obsessed with uncovering the mystery of her own mother’s disappearance. In a quest for answers, she journeys from a small British Columbia mining town to Southeast Asia, following in her mother’s footsteps, all the while reexamining her sense of belonging. This is the story of Lily, the protagonist in Professor Jamie Liew’s debut novel Dandelion (Arsenal Pulp Press), which rel...
A new mother becomes obsessed with uncovering the mystery of her own mother’s disappearance. In a quest for answers, she journeys from a small British Columbia mining town to Southeast Asia, following in her mother’s footsteps, all the while reexamining her sense of belonging. This is the story of L...
For more than thirty years, Professor Benoît Pelletier has graced the University of Ottawa with a unique combination of academic wisdom and practical experience. In recognition of his wide-ranging influence in the field of constitutional law and his exceptional record of research, teaching and mentorship, the University of Ottawa has bestowed upon Benoît Pelletier the title of Distinguished Univer...
For more than thirty years, Professor Benoît Pelletier has graced the University of Ottawa with a unique combination of academic wisdom and practical experience. In recognition of his wide-ranging influence in the field of constitutional law and his exceptional record of research, teaching and mento...
The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, announced the appointment of Benoit Duchesne, LLL ’96 and LLB ’00, as a prothonotary of the Federal Court, on March 28, 2022.
The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, announced the appointment of Benoit Duchesne, LLL ’96 and LLB ’00, as a prothonotary of the Federal Court, on March 28, 2022.
La finale de la Coupe Sopinka a eu lieu le 19 mars dernier et, pour une deuxième année consécutive, la délégation de la Section de droit civil remporte les grands honneurs. Il s’agit donc de la meilleure équipe universitaire de plaidoirie en droit criminel au Canada!
La finale de la Coupe Sopinka a eu lieu le 19 mars dernier et, pour une deuxième année consécutive, la délégation de la Section de droit civil remporte les grands honneurs. Il s’agit donc de la meilleure équipe universitaire de plaidoirie en droit criminel au Canada!
La Section de droit civil est heureuse d’annoncer l’embauche de trois nouvelles personnes qui viendront sous peu se joindre à notre corps professoral. Les voici :
La Section de droit civil est heureuse d’annoncer l’embauche de trois nouvelles personnes qui viendront sous peu se joindre à notre corps professoral. Les voici :
For the first time in nearly 15 years, a team from the Programme de common law en français (the common law program in French) has won the Coupe Guy Guérin competition, which this year was held on February 11, 2022. In addition to winning the team competition, the PCLF teams also won three of the five individual prizes.
For the first time in nearly 15 years, a team from the Programme de common law en français (the common law program in French) has won the Coupe Guy Guérin competition, which this year was held on February 11, 2022. In addition to winning the team competition, the PCLF teams also won three of the fiv...