Professor Jamie Benidickson wins prestigious international prize for book on transboundary resource management in the Lake of the Woods Watershed

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Books and literature
Professor Jamie Benidickson wins prestigious international prize for book on transboundary resource management in the Lake of the Woods Watershed

For its detailed analysis of the history of Canada-U.S. environmental relations, Professor Jamie Benidickson’s 2019 book Levelling the Lake: Transboundary Resource Management in the Lake of the Woods Watershed (UBC Press) has been awarded the prestigious Albert B. Corey Prize.

The book traces the environmental consequences of over a century and a half of social, economic and legal arrangements through which Canada and the U.S. have managed — and mismanaged — the Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake watershed.

The Albert B. Corey Prize, awarded to the best book on the history of Canadian-American relations or the history of both countries, is jointly sponsored by theAmerican Historical Association (AHA) and the Canadian Historical Association(CHA).

For the Canadian Historical Association, “Jamie Benidickson’s intricate and layered analysis of resource development and environmental governance in the Lake of the Woods watershed moves gracefully across the different jurisdictional boundaries that cross-cut this Canadian-American region. This thoroughly-researched book underscores the environmental, legal and human dimensions of the efforts to develop and regulate the land and water in Ontario, Manitoba and Minnesota, and brings to life the contests among stakeholders at the local, regional, and national levels over environmental decision-making.” 

Learn more about the Corey Prize.

Learn more about Jamie Benidickson’s book.

Congratulations to Professor Jamie Benidickson on this exceptional achievement!