Special PISTES edition on Return to Work is now available online!

Academic support 

By Distinguished Research Chair on Occupational Health and Safety Law

Communication, Faculty of law


To read the following articles on Return to Work, please visit: https://journals.openedition.org/pistes/6944?lang=en or click on the article of interest to you.

Katherine Lippel and Camille Lanthier-Riopel

Return-to-Work After an Occupational Injury: A Case Study of the Effect of Law on the Experience of Claimants  [Full text]

Maxine Visotzky-Charlebois

“I don’t understand why we have to fight like this”: When the Appeal Process Results in Precarity in Injured Workers [Full text]

Stephanie Premji, Momtaz Begum, Alex Medley, Ellen MacEachen, Daniel Côté and Ron Saunders

Return-to-Work in a Language Barrier Context : Comparing Quebec’s and Ontario’s Workers’ Compensation Policies and Practices [Full text]

Ellen MacEachen, Sonja Senthanar and Katherine Lippel

Workers’ compensation claims for precariously employed workers in Ontario: employer resistance and workers’ limited voice [Full text | translation)

Les défricheurs de PISTES

Entrevue avec Roch Lafrance - Les politiques de retour au travail après une lésion professionnelle et les travailleuses et travailleurs non syndiqué.e.s [Full text in French Only]