Successful 10 years of collaboration with the United Nations at its 75th anniversary

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Successful 10 years of collaboration with the United Nations at its 75th anniversary

The Faculty of Law has recently completed a 10-year partnership with the United Nations, leading to the preparation of five studies for the Repertory of the Practice of the United Nations.

The Repertory is a legal publication containing analytical studies on the decisions of the Principal Organs of the United Nations under each of the Articles of the Charter of the United Nations. During the past ten years, dozens of studies for the Repertory have been prepared both in English and French, in collaboration with the Faculty. In the spring of 2020, under the supervision of part-time professor Saeid Mirzaei Yengejeh, six graduate and JD students prepared five studies on Charter Articles 8, 36, 54, 94, and 104 and 105 combined, for supplement 11 of the Repertory. These studies pertain to providing equal opportunities for men and women in the UN Secretariat, peaceful settlement of disputes, regional arrangements and agencies, the International Court of Justice, and privileges and immunities of the United Nations in the territories of its member states, respectively. They cover the United Nations activities from 2010 to 2015.

In his report to the 75th session of the General Assembly (A/75/145), the Secretary-General of the United Nations commended the cooperation between the UN and the Faculty on the preparation of the Repertory studies. The report states that in 2020, “The well-established cooperation with the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa continued for the tenth consecutive year. During the period under review, the Faculty of Law contributed to the preparation of five studies, on Article 8 for volume I, Articles 36 and 54 for volume III and Articles 94, 104 and 105 for volume VI of Supplement No. 11”

Congratulations to the following students whose names have been published on the United Nations website in appreciation of their contributions to the  publication: Anne-Lise Bloch (Canada/Denmark), Genevieve Brown (Canada), Fien Schreurs (Belgium), Erica Sorgi Campiolo (Brazil/Italy), Katya Ukrainetz (Canada), Lily Wang (Canada).

Students can get involved in this partnership through the “Seminar on Documenting UN Practice", CML 4108 and DCL 6121, which will be taught for the 11th consecutive year in January-Winter session, combined, in 2021. Registration for the seminar is now open for graduate and upper year students. Interested students must submit their applications, along with their CVs to Professor Saeid Mirzaei Yengejeh ([email protected]).

Quotes from a few of the students.

Genevieve Brown

"I am grateful for the opportunity to have contributed towards a body of scholarship with a long lineage and important purpose. Understanding how the Articles of the United Nations' Charter have been interpreted and applied is fundamental to understanding how the international community has responded to global issues. This knowledge is also critical in determining how we, as a global community, should respond to present and future difficulties. Present times require us, more than ever, to work together in shaping a future that benefits us all. I wish to thank Professor Saeid Mirzaei Yengejeh and my colleagues for their valuable assistance and hope future students continue to contribute towards the United Nations' important work."

Fien Schreurs

“I am very grateful to have gotten the opportunity to do research for the United Nations in light of their 10-year partnership with the University of Ottawa. It has truly been one of the most interesting and educational moments of my academic life. As an international student, it is wonderful to see people from all over the world work together to contribute to the same research. I would also like to thank my supervisor, Professor Saeid Mirzaei Yengejeh, who guided me through the subject and whose thoughtful insights and critical feedback helped me improve my research.”

Erica Sorgi Campiolo

"Having my research recognized by the United Nations is very rewarding and it makes all the effort and dedication worth it. It has certainly been one of the most remarkable experiences of my academic career.  As an international student, I am grateful to have chosen the University of Ottawa to pursue my master's degree and to have had the opportunity to conduct research in partnership with the UN. In addition, I am grateful to Professor Yengejeh for all his time and dedication, who has spared no effort in helping us." 

Lily Wang

“This course was the first chance for me to have some direct contribution to the UN. It made my studies more hands-on and I appreciated the experience.”