- Dr. Adam Dryden, Director of Perioperative Echocardiography, UOHI
- Dr. Adele Budiansky, Neuro-Anesthesia Fellowship Co-Lead (2022-Present)
- Dr. Amy Roeske, Pre-Anesthesia Clinic Medical Director, Anesthesia In-Charge Team, COVID Clinical care working group (<2021), MEPA Simulation Instructor, CHEO Resident Site Coordinator, CaRMS Interviewer
- Dr. Anna Wyand, Perioperative Medicine Fellowship Lead, Perioperative Medicine Module Co-Lead, Medical Director Civic Campus Perioperative Assessment Unit
- Dr. Bernard McDonald, Head Division of Cardiac Anesthesia
- Dr. Camille Goure, Business Leader
- Dr. Christine Lamontagne, Medical Director of Chronic Pain Services, CHEO, Chair of pain medicine competency committee
- Dr. Chrisopher Harty, Oral Exam Director, Off service resident coordinator General Campus
- Dr. Claudia Gomez, Acute Pain Management Fellowship Lead
- Dr. Colleen McFaul, Point-of-care Ultrasound Fellowship Lead, Thoracic Anesthesia module lead
- Dr. Curtis Nickel, Competency By Design Curriculum Director
- Dr. Daniel Dubois, Medical Lead for Virtual Recovery after Surgery program, Chair - Anesthesiology Competence Committee ACUDA PGE subcommittee, Competence Committee Chairs forum
- Dr. Daniel McIsaac, The Ottawa Hospital Director of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Research
- Dr. Daniel Power, Chief of Anesthesia Services - Canadian Armed Forces, Lead Anesthesiologist Canadian Armed Forces Mobile Surgical Resuscitation Team (MSRT)
- Dr. Darlene Weekes, Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship Coordinator, Interim Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (2021-2022), Organizing Chair - Canadian Pediatric Anesthesia Society Scientific Meeting, Pediatric Anesthesia Off-Service Trainee Coordinator, CaRMS resident selection committee member.
- Dr. David Neilipovitz, Negotiating Task Force - Ontario Medical Association, Medical Director of Patient Flow - The Ottawa Hospital, Ontario East Critical Care Lead - Ontario Health.
- Dr. David Rosen, Chief Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine CHEO
- Dr. Desiree Persaud, Royal College Examiner
- Dr. Donald Miller, Chair - The Ottawa Hospital Credentials Committee
- Dr. Elizabeth Miller, Vascular Anesthesia Clinical Lead, Anesthesia Representative The Ottawa Hospital Transfusion Committee, Point-of-care Ultrasound Resident Rotation Module Lead, Point-of-care Ultrasound Fellowship Co-Lead, Faculty Council Representative
- Dr. George Dumitrascu, Obstetrical Anesthesia Lead Civic Campus, Obstetrical Fellowship Co-Lead
- Dr. Greg Manning, Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Dr. Greg Krolczyk, Equipment Manager, Civic Campus, Neuroanesthesia Lead Civic Campus, Neuroanesthesia Education Lead Civic Campus, Supply Chain Task Force Committee Physician and Anesthesia representative
- Dr. Gregory Bryson, Vice Chair Research (<Mar 31,2022)
- Dr. Ingrid Custeau, Chief Department of Anesthesiology Montfort Hospital
- Dr. Jelka Lujic, Director Clinical Lead Anesthesiology Electroconvulsive therapy Royal Ottawa Hospital
- Dr. Jennifer Chow, Clerkship Director, Montfort
- Dr. Jennifer Racine, Anesthesia Assistant Clinical Lead
- Dr. Kimmo Murto, Director of Research Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine CHEO. Chair Department Teaching Peronnel Committee, Promotions Committee
- Dr. Kristen Gadbois, Resident Coordinator General Campus
- Dr. Laura Duggan, Editor Anaesthesia (<2022), Associate Editor Anaesthesia, Fellowship Lead Airway Management, Advisory Panel Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists, Member Research Advisory Committee Canadian Anesthesia Society, Member Equity Diversity Inclusion Committee Canadian Anesthesia Society, Member International Advisory Comittee Project for Universal Management of Airways(PUMA), Co-Lead Canadian Airway Focus Group, Co-Lead Anesthesia Residents Airway Management Curriculum, CaRMS Selection Committee, Examiner Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, External Reviewer for Anesthesiology Queens University, External Reviewer for Anesthesiology McMaster University, Invited Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Anesthesia and Analgesia, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, British Journal of Anaesthesia
- Dr. Lucie Filteau, President, Canadian Anesthesiologists Society, Quality Initiatives and Continuing Professional Development advisor, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (2021-2022)
- Dr. Manoj Lalu, Vice Chair Research, University of Ottawa's Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- Dr. Michelle Chiu, Interim Head Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine The Ottawa Hospital, Interim Chair Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine University of Ottawa, Vice-Chair of Education Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (2020-2022), Member Simulation Education Training Course Steering Committee Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Simulation Educator Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
- Dr. Miriam Mottiar, Continuing Proffessional Development and Awards Director\
- Dr. Patrick Wong, Chair, Regional and Acute Pain section, Canadian Anesthesiologists Society
- Dr. Peter Duffy, Site Chief, General Campus Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- Dr. Phil Kruger, Chief of congenital cardiac surgery
- Dr. Philipp Mossdorf, AIC
- Dr. Raylene Sauvé, Resident Site Coordinator
- Dr. Rene Allard, The Ottawa Hospital Robotics Steering Committee, Ottawa Health Science Network Research Ethics Board Member, Academic Coach
- Dr. Reva Ramlogan, The University of Ottawa's Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Fellowship Program Director, Regional Anesthesia Fellowship Lead, Regional Anesthesia Civic Site Lead, Regional Anesthesia Module Lead, Chair Education in Regional Anesthesia a Special Interest Group of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia
- Dr. Sandra Bromley, Chief Anesthesiology, Co-Chair, Perioperative Care Committee
- Dr. Sanjiv Gupta, Applied Pharmacology and Clinical Anesthesia Fellowship Director, Competency by Design Clinical Pharmacology module leader, Anesthesia representative on TOH Pharmacy therapeutics committee
- Dr. Sean Dickie, Cardiac Anesthesiology Fellowship Lead
- Dr. Simone Crooks, Vice Chair of Education, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Director of Simulation for Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- Dr. Stephane Moffett, Thoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship Director, Thoracic Anesthesiology Clinical Director
- Dr. Sylvain Gagne, Corporate PAU Medical Director, Riverside Anesthesia Site Chief
- Dr. Sylvie Aucoin, Site Chief, Civic Campus
- Dr. Tamara Henderson, Perinatal Committee Montfort
- Dr. Tammy Byford, Anesthesia Human Resources Committee Chair
- Dr. Tomasz Polis, Neuroanesthesiology Fellowship Program Director
- Dr. Wesley Rajaleelan, Canadian Anesthesiologists Society Global Health representative University of Ottawa
- Dr. Yuqi Gu, Simulation and Medical Education Fellowship Director, Ottawa CanNASC National Representative

This section includes Leadership positions held by our Departmental Faculty between July 01, 2021 - June 30, 2023.